Business tycoon Ratan Tata is often in news for his humbleness. Tata Group Chairman Ratan Tata recently took to Instagram to share a picture of himself along with a ‘thank-you’ note, after reaching one million followers on the social media site. He joined Instagram in October last year after a long absence from public life. As his profile reached one million followers on the photo and video sharing platform, he put up a post to celebrate the milestone.
Ratan Tata wrote,
“I’ve just seen that the number of people on this page has reached a milestone. This wonderful online family is not what I expected when I joined Instagram and I have you to thank for it. I do believe that the quality of connections you make in this age of the internet is far greater than any number. Being a part of your community and learning from you is truly exciting and makes me very happy and I hope our journey together continues.”
The post went viral in no time and started garnering several comments but one of them raked up chaos on the page. One Instagram user wrote,
“Congratulations Chhotu” with a heart emoji.
The girl was immediately attacked and trolled by Instagram users calling the comment “shameful” and “disrespectful”. The user who was trolled heavily for her comment however defended her use of ‘Chhotu’ by calling it an endearing term and writing that as Ratan Tata was an “idol for every one” and so she can say anything out of love.
As criticism over her choice of words did not stop, Rata himself responded in the chain of comments. He commented,
“There is a child in each one of us. I request you to treat the young lady with respect”.
Later it was found that the girl deleted the viral comment after getting trolled by Instagram users. Following that Ratan Tata addressed the issue again in a series of Instagram stories.
Below is the screenshot of the 3 stories that Mr. Tata shared on Instagram,
Ratan Tata’s comment received appreciation, garnering several thousand likes. How one behaves with others after being in a position of power goes on to say a lot about them. Ratan Tata surely made the headlines with his humble take on life.