Panchayat is an Indian web series that premiered on Amazon Prime Video in April 2020. This is a comedy-drama set in rural India. The story revolves around the life of an engineering graduate, Abhishek Tripathi, who reluctantly becomes the secretary of a panchayat office in a remote village named Phulera. The series shows the challenges he faces in adjusting to the rural lifestyle. It also highlights social and political issues prevalent in rural areas.

This popular series is loved by the audience and it received flattering reviews for its authentic depiction of village life. The performances by the talented cast, and the flawless direction steers the show. Jitendra Kumar does a fantastic job in playing the lead role.


Panchayat season-3

Panchayat Season 1 premiered on April 3, 2020, Panchayat Season 2 was aired on May 18, 2022, and Panchayat Season 3 was released on May 28, 2024. Now, everyone is curious to know if there will be a season 4 of Panchayat.

We know most of you are curious about the Panchayat season 4 release date, what will season 4 be about? Is Panchayat season 4 coming out? We will try to answer all your questions in this article.

Panchayat-Season 3
Prime Video

Is there a Panchayat Season 4 release date?

Is Panchayat Season 4 happening? The suspense in the last episode of season 3 suggests that season 4 is in the pipeline. Though Panchayat Season 4 does not have an official release date yet, it is likely to be announced later. The makers usually take a two-year gap between each season. According to that pattern, Panchayat season 4 will most likely be released in the summer of 2026.

Speaking to Press Trust of India, the director of the series, Deepak Kumar Mishra made a revelation that the team is already working on the script for season 4 and has plans for at least one more season. According to a report by Hindustan Times, Mishra said,


“We have started writing season four. For us, generally there’s no break between two seasons. The third season is over and we have written three to four episodes of the show. So far, we have thought about making season four and five. For season four, we have a clear idea, and there is a broader idea for season five.”

Besides this, there are too many questions that have been left unanswered in the last episode of Panchayat season 3.

BInod and Bhusan panchayat
Prime Video

Here is all about the Panchayat Season 4 release date and the information we have about it so far

The much anticipated Panchayat Season 3 finally dropped on Amazon Prime Video on 28 May. The entertaining show soon became a topic of discussion. The new season did not disappoint the audience, the catchy plot and the outstanding performances by the cast made it a treat to watch.

Panchayat 3 stars Jitendra Kumar as Abhishek Tripathi (Secretary of Gram Panchayat), Neena Gupta as Manju Devi Dubey (Pradhan), Raghubir Yadav as Brij Bhushan Dubey (Pradhan-Pati), Sanvikaa as Rinki (daughter of Manju Devi), Faisal Malik as Prahlad Pandey (Upa-Pradhan), Chandan Roy as Vikas (Office Assistant of Gram Panchayat).

The cast also includes Ashok Pathak as Vinod, Durgesh Kumar as Bhushan, Sunita Rajwar as Kranti Devi, Pankaj Jha as MLA Chandra Kishore Singh, Amit Kumar Maurya as Bam Bahadur, and Bulloo Kumar as Madhav.



How many episodes are there in Panchayat season 3?

Just like the previous seasons, Panchayat season 3 has a total of eight episodes. Each episode ranges from 35-50 minutes. All episodes of Panchayat season 3 are available on Amazon Prime Video along with the previous seasons.

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How did Panchayat 3 end?

The new season of the Amazon Prime Video show ended on a high note with Prahlad, Vikas, Bhushan, Vinod, Madhav, and Bam Bahadur ending up in jail with two other men.

The season started with the conflict between MLA Chandra and the villagers of Phulera. When Abhishek plans to teach him a lesson by stealing the MLA’s beloved horse. Chandra decides to take revenge and kill everyone who comes in his way. A riot breaks out and MLA Chandra is asked to step back by his seniors.

A few days later, Pradhan Ji gets shot leaving him severely injured. Enraged by the series of events, a fight takes place between Abhishek, Prahlad, Vikas, Bam Bahadur, and Chandra.

The season didn’t make it clear who tried to kill Pardhan Ji and whether Abhishek qualifies for the CAT exam this time or not.


Panchayat 3 scenes

The last episode of Panchayat season 3 left loose ends leaving the audience wondering if there will be a Panchayat season 4

In the last episode of Panchayat 3, it seems that the creators have hinted that keeping in mind the Panchayat elections there is more action to follow in Phulera village. Everyone is curious about the release date of the new season.

The next season of Panchayat will probably answer questions like who will finally become the new Pradhan of Phulera Gram Panchayat.

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Panchayat Season 4 is likely to come out on Amazon Prime Video

All the previous seasons of Panchayat Season 4 came out on Amazon Prime Video, so there is a high possibility that Amazon Prime Video will announce the fourth season of the hit Indian series.

The official synopsis for Panchayat is:


“Panchayat is a comedy-drama, which captures the journey of an engineering graduate Abhishek, who for lack of a better job option joins as secretary of a panchayat office in a remote village of Uttar Pradesh. Stuck between crazy villagers and a difficult village lifestyle Abhishek starts his job with the sole motivation of getting out of there as soon as possible, for which he even prepares for CAT.”

We hope we answered most of your questions related to Panchayat Season 4. Now all we can do is wait patiently for the upcoming season.

Vidhayak panchayat
Prime Video

Have you watched Panchayat 3 yet? Did you like it? Let us know in the comments.


Ananya Bose
A postgraduate from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Ananya is a passionate writer with an experience of three years in Content Writing. She is known for her insightful research, in-depth knowledge, and engaging writing style. Her attention to detail and ability to capture the attention of the readers is worth mentioning. She is enthusiastic about the entertainment industry and is passionate about writing on TV, Bollywood, and celebrity gossip. She is also well-versed in search engine optimization (SEO) techniques and can adapt her writing style for the target audiences.