From the start, females are always directly or indirectly ridiculed in every culture. And internet generation took this ridicule culture to another level for committing a heinous crime such as requesting that her. People referred to the woman as a “drama queen” if she wanted to dominate herself in the men’s world. People referred to the woman as a “gold digger” if she wants to marry a rich and well-qualified man.
In India, a woman who sincerely believes in the superficial, skewed gender stereotypes has to live a relatively easier life than the rest of us. But she has no idea that she ultimately became a member of a culture that encourages sexism.
But why don’t we refer to certain guys as “drama kings” or “gold diggers”? It’s not like they don’t know how to throw tantrums or don’t do gold-digging in the name of dowry. So, to put into perspective what “drama” truly means and what occurs when it turns into an offence, we’ve compiled a list of reasons why men have cancelled marriages for weird reasons.
1. Let’s begin with the “old favourites”. This is only one incidence out of hundreds, or maybe in millions, that have occurred throughout the years.
2. It’s “supernormal” according to the large section of society.
3. As they send their precious daughter to live with him, how can they not “gift” him a BMW and 50 lakh cash?
4. The bride’s side is entirely to blame! Are they unaware that meat consumption is beneficial to one’s health? Poor health-conscious groom!
5. Even after spending crores of rupees, this problem cannot be fixed. Sad life!
6. He seemed to realize that he would die if he does not eat mutton curry, but he also does not want to live single. That is why he marries someone else.
7. If that’s the case, you really should tie the knot with a saree.
8. Groom was like, “Is she dead? OK! finish! TaTa! Bye! Bye!”