Broken relationships seems to be one of the most significant causes of suicide attempts in the country. You often see headlines like ‘woman ends life after quarrel with lover’ or ‘lovers spat leads man to end life’. Whenever I see these I often wonder: why give up on as precious a thing as life over a single failed relationship? It’s just not worth it.
As reported by Times of India, A 24 years old girl who was traumatised and depressed as her boyfriend had left her decided to commit suicide. Unable to cope with such an incident, the girl decided to end her life. She decided to end her life by jumping in the Yamuna canal, 4 km away from Saharanpur.
When she was about to jump she decided to find easy way to end her life. She Googled “How to commit suicide” and the results showed “Suicide Helpline Numbers”.
Kudos to the programmer who decided to build this feature in the Google search algorithm.
One of the numbers that the search engine returned was the deputy inspector general of police, Jitendra Kumar Shahi. She called the number and opened up to him about her predicament.
DIG Jitendra Kumar Shahi told TOI,
“I got a call from the girl on my public number. She was quite nervous and was about to end her life. She told me she had even searched how to kill herself on Google. Among the search results, she told me, she found my number. I heard her out and told her to come to my office so we could talk about it in detail.”
After some time, the girl came in DIG office and told everything to the officer. She told him that she had been in a relationship with a guy for several years, but as soon as he got govt. Job, he left her, in the pressure of his family.
According to DIG, the girl was traumatised by the fact that her boyfriend left her. He added,
“We come across such cases every day. Sometimes girls level harassment or assault charges after a relationship ends. This girl was just deeply traumatized and wanted help. She made no allegations against her boyfriend and in fact spoke warmly of him. I asked the station officer of the women’s police station to counsel the couple and look into the matter.”
The station officer of the women’s police station did counseling of the girl. The counselling sessions were organised, one with the girl by herself and one with the guy and the girl together. The couple were advised about the options they had to live better lives and have a good future.
This is one of the best examples how technology helped in saving the life of a girl. All thanks to Google!