Home Culture 10 Stereotypes About Uttar Pradesh Every People From UP Are Fed Up Of Hearing
Stereotypes About Uttar Pradesh

10 Stereotypes About Uttar Pradesh Every People From UP Are Fed Up Of Hearing

Published: Updated: 2 minutes read

When someone living in Uttar Pradesh move to other cities like Delhi, Mumbai, they hear many things. Constant among all the things is the view of UP that people have framed up in their heads. People still tend to believe that UP is that dark, dusty place, which and the centre of every illegal activity it used to be. It is highly unlikely that people will ever try to find out about these themselves.

So here are some stereotypes about Uttar Pradesh that have been prevailing for quite a long time, now:


1. For starters, UP and Bihar are not the same.

Please re-check the Indian map properly.

2. Your English is pretty nice for a person belonging to UP.

It’s literally like, yes it is, unlike your common sense which is absolutely zero.

English meme



3. Tum sab katta rakhte ho?

This notion about people from UP is absolutely wrong. And also we don’t just randomly jump from vehicle, shooting recklessly. You were not supposed to take Mirzapur so seriously.

4. So, have you ever tried paan-gutka-masala?

People saying these things should try pan masala themselves so that they keep their mouth shut for at least a few minutes.

paan gutka meme



5. Not everybody from Lucknow being their conversations with Pehle aap.

6. That most heard line ‘Teri Shaadi Nahin karwa rahe Ghar wale?’ UP mein toh kar dete hain.

Is it in any way bothering you?

7. You might be feeling off the place here. Do you know? With all the cars and the buildings around!

We don’t belong to Harappan Civilisation, we have cars and building there.

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8. You must have come across all the gaalis in childhood only, isn’t it?

Although I don’t know, I desperately wish I knew one to use them today.

9. The highlight of our weddings is not gunfire shots.

10. Tum sab ladne ko kyun taiyaar rehte ho?

Why do you people, always provide your stereotypical thoughts, we don’t need it.

Stereotypes About Uttar Pradesh




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