Punishment For Rape Victim In Different Countries

Rape is considered as one of the most heinous crimes one can commit. The definitions of rape vary. A physical act or even an act in which the person is under manipulation or any threat. Usually, the definition depends on weather or not the consent was there during the act.

The victims are looked down in society and have to suffer mental torture without any fault of theirs. The society becomes hell for them to live in. But what about the devil who did the crime? Across the globe government has different laws against rape crimes to make the place safer for their citizens. In some cases the term consent varies too. For example, in case of minors who are too young to consent to such relations.


Below we have listed punishment for rape victim in different countries:

1. Afghanistan

2. China

3. Egypt


4. France

5. Greece

6. India

Punishment for rape in India_1


7. Iran

8. Israel


9. North Korea

10. United Arab Emirates

11. USA