Home Love And Relationship 5 Life Hacks To Overcome Your Fear Of A First Date

5 Life Hacks To Overcome Your Fear Of A First Date

Published: Updated: 4 minutes read

A gleam in the eye and confident gait – this is what makes the best first impression on girls. But what if your confidence suddenly disappeared, and fear took its place?

These five life hacks will tell you how to overcome the fear of the first date and put your nerves to rest.


1. Cardiostimulation

Excitement and nervousness before the date are quite normal reactions of the body. Physicians have long proven that physical stress is the best way to relieve nervous tension. Physical exercises, affecting the cerebral cortex and subcortical centers, cause a feeling of cheerfulness and joy, creating an optimistic, balanced neuropsychic state. Besides, physical activity reduces the level of cortisol in your blood, a hormone that’s associated with stress and a depressed mood.

Spend 20 – 30 minutes on cardio in the morning before the date. Jogging, brisk walking, biking, or a treadmill will do. It will be perfect if you work out in the open air so that the body doesn’t experience oxygen starvation and all biological and physiological processes work as they should.

2. Inhale, exhale

Even if you didn’t get the opportunity to do a couple of exercises, don’t worry. Don’t waste your precious time in vain! Do respiratory gymnastics. When we sit motionless, the body experiences oxygen deficiency, and, as a result, blood flow slows down, and we get oxygen starvation of the brain and the whole organism. Lack of oxygen is a direct way to self-poisoning of the body and a poor appearance.


Perform breathing exercises while standing near the source of fresh air (an open window, for example)
– Inhale, hold your breath, and smoothly suck in the gut. Count to three and relax the abdominal muscles;
– When exhaling, hold in your stomach, hold your breath, and relax the abdominal muscles; taking a breath, blow out the stomach, and suck it in when exhaling. This should calm your first date nerves.

3. “Grow up”

This exercise will allow you to visually look slimmer than you really are. You’ll even become a bit taller for a while. Stand with your back to the wall. Your shoulders, neck, upper and lower back should be pressed against the wall surface. Pull your neck up. The legs should be at some distance from the wall, the heels together, and the toes apart. Let your hands hang freely. Put your chin on your chest, then start gradually taking the neck, shoulders, upper back, and the lower back off the wall. Your pelvis should remain pressed against the wall. Keep this pose for a while, and then slowly do the same but in reverse, until you return to the original position. Stretch up and freeze for a while. Repeat this several times. Doing this complex exercise, you’ll forget about your first date fear, at least for a while.



4. Pump some muscles

If you work out regularly, then you already know that after doing physical exercises, the body feels better than ever. Let’s use this secret. A couple of hours before the date, do a dozen or two push-ups and exercises for the press. This will ensure the flow of blood to the muscles, which will make them look more chiseled. The effect starts to work within one to two hours.

5. It’s time to relax

The nervous and emotional tension before a date can spoil the whole date. So relax! Massage, meditation, and yoga will help you overcome the fear of the first date. If yoga isn’t for you, and massage is not included in your plans, try meditation.
Meditation reduces the activity of a certain part of the brain, namely the right prefrontal cortex, which is associated with negative emotions (anxiety, fear, depression), and activates the left prefrontal cortex, which is associated with positive emotions. You don’t need to do the lotus position and say mantras. All you need is to lie face down on the floor and calmly count the inhales and exhales.




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