Home Entertainment 12 Things In “Friends” Even A True Fans Missed While Watching The Show
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12 Things In “Friends” Even A True Fans Missed While Watching The Show

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Despite being 13 years since the TV show Friends came to an end, we still can’t get over it. We still watch it again and again and each time it’s more fun. But no matter how big of a fan you are, we are sure you might have missed out on a couple of things in Friends.

Here we have compiled 12 scenes that went unrecognised and unnoticeable.


1. Magical kitchen window

Each one of us witnessed a window in Monica’s apartment, but merely a few people recognised that the view outside her apartment kept on changing constantly. We loved her place, but that window is really weird.

2. The famous couch was always unoccupied for a reason

Has it ever crossed your mind about how come their spot that is the orange sofa was always available to them? If you notice carefully the sign reserved is placed on it which is only visible in the first few episodes.


3. Monica has a jar for yelling at her restaurant

Monica always had high standards. But she figured out a way to handle her problems: at Alessandro’s she owned a jar, in which she puts a coin every time she shouted at someone. And it looks like, she did yell a lot.

4. They once changed the names of the entire cast in the credits

On the very first episode of season 6, the show makers placed “Arquette” to everyone’s names in the credits to give their regards to the amazing couple, David and Courteney, who transformed her name to Courteney Cox Arquette.


5. Interesting notes appear on the board on Joey and Chandler’s apartment door

By the entire series, the Magna Doodle Board which was placed on Joey and Chandler’s apartment door displayed hilarious messages. Take for instance, when Chandler and Monica revealed they were in a relationship, an adorable drawing of a heart along with their initials was drawn on their board.

6. Monica introduced Rachel to Chandler in the pilot episode as if they’ve never met before

In the pilot, after leaving Barry at the altar, Rachel arrives at the coffin house where Monica introduces Rachel to Joey, Phoebe, and Chandler. But during one of the episodes, later on, “The One With the Flashback,” we’ll discover that Rachel and Chandler are quite familiar with each other from college and Thanksgiving dinners at the Gellers.

Details We Didn’t Notice On “Friends”



7. Courteney Cox was pregnant when the last episode was shot

When Lisa Kudrow announced her pregnancy, screenwriters decided to frame her pregnancy into the Friends script. Phoebe too was pregnant. But it was tough on the part of Courteney Cox because according to the script, Chandler and Monica can’t have children and they adopt twins. But because Courteney was decked up in baggy clothes all the time, we quite overlook her growing belly in some episodes.

8. The unusual camera angle

In the episode “The One With the Secret Closet,” they made us familiar with the “4th wall” of Monica’s apartment while Chandler was trying to open the secret closet. It was the best chance to notice the angle applied by the camera crew to shoot most of the scenes.

Details We Didn’t Notice On “Friends”



9. All the wedding dresses

Think of an episode where Monica picks up Emily’s wedding dress and lands up trying it on with her girlfriends who, also decks up in wedding gowns? We don’t know why, but Emily on the other hand is decked up in an entirely different dress during her wedding.

10. Ross has two birthdays

On one hand when all other actors eventually aged during the season but Ross did not. He said he was 29 at least in seasons 3, 4, and 5. Additionally, as per Dr Geller, he was born in December. A few years later, he mentioned that his birthday was October 18th.



11. A nurse at the hospital and Joey’s agent was played by the same actress

We all very well remember Joey’s agent, Estelle Leonard. But just a few of us realised it was her when she played the character of a nurse in the episode in which Ross’s son, Ben, took birth.

12. Friends almost never laugh at Chandler’s jokes

Who doesn’t loves Chandler’s jokes and sarcastic comments? Well, it looks like his closest friends don’t. The only possible reason we could think of is that the director avoided ruining the flow of the scene by stopping for laughs which are actually not fair, but we all know he is the “the funny one.”

Chandler Bing Friends



Also read: 10 Revelations About Friends That Every Fan Would Not Want To Miss


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