Taking public transport like metro, buses or subways certainly isn’t the most fun place to be. Whether you take the subway on your way to work or just once in a while, you are surely going to encounter some strange people once in a while. You might want to think about walking instead of taking public transportation once you’ve seen this weird bunch of people and the result can be an entertaining mix of intrigue and embarrassment.
From sleeping to taking selfies check out the weirdest things people spotted on the subway!
1. Selfie with the sleeping beauty
2. Quite ironical
3. What the hell is she trying to do? Pole dance?
4. Well, I have a lot of company so seats reserved!
5. Spiderman on the subway
6. Why not utilize your time and take a nap?
7. Bon Appetite!
8. Completely dedicated towards his work
9. And sleep like no one’s business