Data science

Data science is one of the fastest growing sectors in employment around the world, and qualified professionals are in high demand. If you’re considering a career change, or are wondering what to study to ensure a great future ahead, then looking at data science might be a great choice. Read on to find out more about the kind of skills that you’ll need to have if you hope to be a data scientist.

Advanced education

As you might expect, becoming a data scientist is a challenging journey, and re-quires more than just a standard level of college education in order to get even an entry-level position. There are many different types of courses and pathways available, including the Merrimack College MS in Engineering Management, and various courses will cover a range of subjects depending on the area of specialty.


Advanced education

Statistical insight

Being a data scientist will involve the ability to go through vast amounts of data and be able to interpret them to identify patterns and trends. Having a good grasp of statistics is essential for this, as you will need to be able to use the appropriate statistical models and formulae to analyze information and provide useful guidance that will benefit an organization.

Statistical insight


Working in data science is often about being able to solve problems in a creative and innovative way. The role will often demand that you are able to consider a scenario, look at the evidence and data presented, and find the right methods and tools to help get the most useful information out of it. This can often require a great deal of creative and lateral thinking, as well as the ability to take on complex challenges without feeling overwhelmed.

Data science

Sharp business acumen

Data science is never considered to be a pure subject that is separated from the forces that govern the everyday world – in fact, it is closely linked to the economic and social factors that drive and shape the major and minor shifts in the environment around us. Being a skilled data scientist requires the ability to spot patterns that will be of benefit to a business, or identify possible trends that could lead to economic harm. By being able to identify this well, you can help to direct an organization towards a more successful future.

Sharp business acumen

Excellent communication skills

Lastly, being a data scientist will often mean that you will have to report your findings and communicate with others inside or outside of your organization, and many of these people may come from other departments, or different back-grounds. It is essential that you are able to communicate your insights in a clear and useful way however, as any miscommunication could end up having severe impacts upon a business. You should be skilled at taking the complex and multi-layered nature of analytical information and present it in a clear, succinct and unambiguous way, so that any findings can be put into action promptly.