The topic of western clothing for girls has always been in vogue, be it in political speeches or in college rule books. The ban on jeans, short skirts and other western looks for woman is a well entertained idea as a solution for sexual harassment. From places of religious worship to places of education or occupation the list of appropriate clothing is always laid out by the law.
Here is a list of places in India where ‘NO to western wear’ is as serious a rule as an inscription on a tombstone:
1. Adarsh Women’s College, Haryana
The school head Alaka Sharma told NDTV news channel that, “The small dress don’t cover students and is the reason why they have to face eve teasing.” And thus banned on western attire stating a fine of 100/- each time they broke the dress rule.
2. Sri Sairam College of Engineering, Chennai
The reality is far from the mask of Bollywood movies that glamourize the daily wardrobe of a college student, here is one such institute which has an official dress code that reads “Big NO for girls”. (literally!)
Yes, my 10 year old sister you don’t get to be Alia Bhat singing ‘gulabi aankhen’ when you enter college.
3. RMD College of Engineering, Tiruvallur
In colleges like RMD the dress code is not only applicable to students but also to prominent guests invited to lectures. Here the incident was about blogger Kiruba Shankar who was asked to change into formal trousers as he was wearing a pair of denim jeans when he had been to RMD as guest lecturer and the college officials stood rooted to their rules.
4. Barmer, Rajastan
A district in Rajastan, Barmer where not only wearing jeans for girls are banned but also the use of mobile phones and compulsion for grooms to wear traditional dhotis. The Khap panchayat (kangaroo courts not recognized legally but orders are followed by locals in fear of punishment or ostracism) issued diktats banning western wear for security of young girls as the reason.
5. Villages of Uttar Pradesh
The ban on western fineries was implemented in at least 10 villages of Muzaffarngas and Saharanpus district in west Uttar Pradesh with ban on use of cell phones as 17 Muslim council members noted that the new rule will help prevent crimes against women.
6. Kashmir
In Srinagar not only locals but also female tourists are scrutinized under ‘appropriate conduct of wearing’. The local religious group Jamaat-e-Islami Kashmir suggested that women coming to Jammu and Kashmir should not wear revealing clothes and should be sensitive to the local ethos.
7. Women and Child department, Haryana
Even in places of work dress code gives high standards but the issue arose when WCD in Haryana directing its field staff to wear decent clothes and desist from wearing jeans and T-shirt, calling it in away indecent was pointed out by social welfare minister Geeta Bhukkal.
8. Temples in Tamil Nadu
This coming under religious domain so we are nowhere to raise a finger as the Madras high court ordered ban on jeans and shorts as inappropriate for spiritual worship. Arulmigu Ramanatha swami temple being in lime light for tourist visit sent devotees back if men were not in either dhoti, pyjamas or formal shirts & trousers and women in sari or half saris with a blouse.
Though the debate of western attire will always be a substance in eastern air, India being democratic will always nestle people with both NO to western wear and YES to wear ideologies.