We like to think that human nature is at the most fundamental level good but deep down we all know that it is not really so. Out of every 100 humans, one of them has most likely been a little psychotic in nature. It sure is very unlikely to find a psychopath right around the corner but what is agreed by most is that they can be cunning, selfish, weird, impulsive, and most importantly evil. The eternal war between good and evil will continue forever.
Here is a list of the most evil human beings to ever walk the earth:
1. H.H. Holmes
Herman Webster Mudgett born in the year 1861 was better known by all as Dr. H.H. Holmes who as shocking as it may sound was America’s first known serial killer. He was highly intelligent and wanted to be a doctor since childhood thus he used to perform different sorts of practices on animals.
At the age of 25 he found work in a Chicago pharmacy, he built a special room on the building in which he used to work where he used to torture, brutalize and murder humans. After his conviction in the year 1895 for the murder of Benjamin Pitezel he eventually confessed that he has murdered about 27 humans in the same way. A year later he was executed by hanging.
2. Leopold II of Belgium
Although Leopold is known for his role in establishing Belgium as a colonial power in Africa, the malfeasance and atrocities that he inflicted upon the people of Congo Free State somehow go unnoticed. From 1885 to 1909 he did a lot of oppression. Under his colonization of central Africa, the extraction of ivory and rubber used to go in full swing but it was not just limited to that.
His private army used to force and torture millions of people belonging to the Congo region. Many Congolese women were raped and almost about 3 million people died during his dictatorship.
3. Amelia Dyer
Amelia was one of the scariest English Serial killers in history. In the Victorian period of the United Kingdom, she allegedly murdered numerous infants during her care of about more than 30 years. She used to target women with infants who would give her a job as a nanny and then used to murder the babies.
She escaped the authorities for years but eventually was arrested when the doctors realized the sudden rise in the number of infant mortality under her care. She was persecuted by the state for her ill deeds and was hanged in the year 1896.
4. Adolf Hitler
Today, the name Hitler is often used by people as a synonym of Evil. He was one of the best-known and reviled figures in the history of the early modern world. He was the leader of Nazi Germany and was known for his wicked intelligence, creativity, and brutality. It is believed and is true that the organizer of World War II and the holocaust was none other than this dictator.
He used to consider the Jews living in Europe were an impure race. His brutality over humans at the very least led to the death of 40,000,000 people. He sure was one of the most powerful and evil beings in the world’s history.
5. Ivan IV
Ivan IV was the most terrible being of his time no wonder he is also popularly known and referred to as Ivan the terrible. He was crowned as the first Tsar of Russia and had a large part of the world under his control. Every day about 500 to 1000 people used to be killed in front of him and his son.
He was not just brutal to the outside world in fact he even used to beat his pregnant daughter-in-law. It is said that when his son got angry about his father’s behavior towards his wife, Ivan IV even killed him. This was purely a sheer act of barbarity.
6. Kim Jong Un
The so-called Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is one of the most vicious authorities. It has been more than 70 years that the people of North Korea are suffering. Kim Jong Un the current supreme leader of North Korea is as brutal as his forerunners. People of Korea have been forced and brainwashed to worship him and his forerunners since the moment they’ve come to power.
Deliberate starvation as a play for power, no development of the country and its people, and execution of citizens violating the supreme authority’s rule are just a few of the brutalities that the people of North Korea go through, even today.
7. Vlad the Impaler
Vlad the Impaler also known as Vlad Dracula is believed to be the inspiration for the character of Dracula. He was the cruel dictator of Wallachia. Surrounded by enemies all around he used to resort to the cruelest measures in order to give birth to a feeling of terror and fear among the ones who dared to oppose him.
His barbaric methods of punishing his enemies gained huge recognition in 15th-century Europe. One of them is the impaling of humans from the buttocks and he never orders it to stop until the pole used comes out of the human’s mouth. There were a lot of other sickening brutalities that he used to inflict upon people.
8. Osama bin Laden
Osama bin Laden is well known for his planning and execution of the September 11 attacks on the United States which eventually prompted and ignited the United States to counterattack on this terrorist ambush.
The attack nearly resulted in the death toll of about 3000 people. From 2001-2011 Osama bin Laden was the most wanted being by the United States. In the year 2011, he was killed in a safe house in Pakistan after being shot during Operation Neptune’s Spear by former Navy SEAL Robert O’Neil.
9. Idi Amin
Idi Amin was best known for being the president of the African nation Uganda along with his brutal regime and oppression of humanity. He was a former military officer who is believed to took over the control of Uganda with his evil schemes and plotting. He used absolutely crushing force to hold on to power.
He used to oppress every human being whom he considered could be a possible threat be it people belonging to ethnic groups, journalists, judges, intellectuals, and everyone who opposed his dictatorship. This ruthless dictator despite being eventually exiled not even expressed regret for the actions of his regime.
10. Joseph Stalin
Hitler sure is known as the pinnacle of the evil of the past century but there is also another figure belonging to the same time period who was no less than Hitler himself. The name is Joseph Stalin, the general secretary, and ruler of the USSR. For about 30 years of his reign and power, he set some crazy standards of pain, misery, and of course death of the people.
According to estimates, as many as 10 million Russians may have lost their lives during his reign. His oppression was not just limited to the Russians, about 1.5 million German women were raped during this brutal regime of 30-plus years.
11. Heinrich Himmler
Heinrich Himmler better known as the architect of the (1941-1945) Jewish holocaust, was the leading member of the Nazi Party of Germany and also the Protection Squadron; SS. He joined the Nazi Party in around 1925 and never looked back.
From then till 1945 he was one of the deadliest men of the Nazi Party. He ordered to kill about 6 million Jews and about half a million Russians who were residing in Europe, Germany to be specific. He sure was another autocratic being of history.
12. Elizabeth Bathory
Elizabeth Bathory was a powerful Hungarian noblewoman. She is considered the most prolific female murderer of all time by none other than the Guinness World Records. Legends have it that she killed at the very least about 600 plus humans between the years 1585 to 1610. Belonging to a noble family she is believed to never face any trials because of her barbaric acts.
13. Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein was the 5th president of Iraq. He allegedly is known as the best-known Middle-East dictator from about 1979 to 2003. He ordered the killing of dozens of top soldiers belonging to his own country.
About 2 million people died because of all his atrocities. It is said that he even used to record the killing of people just so he could enjoy and watch it later.
14. Nero
Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus was the 5th known emperor of Rome. He was famously known for his debaucheries, killing of poor Christians, and brutal political assassinations.
In the year 64 whole of the Rome was on fire which destroyed the whole city and killed a lot of humans, the mastermind behind this happening was, of course, Nero. During his reign, the Christians were savagely tortured and murdered.
15. Pol Pot
Pol Pot was a communist leader who violently took control of the small nation named Cambodia in the year 1976. He perhaps was the only person who ordered a mass genocide of the people belonging to the country he ruled.
He used to make his citizens live in unfathomable conditions without any access to basic nutritious food and health care facilities. During the four years of his reign, he literally decimated about 25% population of entire Cambodia. His act of killing its own citizens eventually came to be known as the killing fields.
There are numerous other beings who, just because they think they were right, crushed humanity like it was nothing. Â Their deeds still haunt us as they can never be changed.