A scientist can invent unbelievable things with his knowledge and extraordinary intelligence, but can you imagine what he can be capable of if he gets superhuman strength, too? Think of Hulk. Scientist Bruce Banner became the “The green man” when an experiment he did on himself went wrong.
A Marvel comics character created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1962, Hulk first appeared in the comic book “The Incredible Hulk #1”. TO understand the storyline of the character in the Marvel movies, the order to watch them would be: The Hulk (2003), The Incredible Hulk (2008), The Avengers (2012), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Thor: Ragnarok (2017) and Avengers: Infinity Wars (2018).
- Now Let’s know everything about Hulk in detail.
- Real Name: Robert Bruce Banner
- Occupation: Nuclear physicist
- Legal status: Citizen of United states with criminal record pardoned
- Place of Birth: Dayton, Ohio
- Height: 7 ft. as green Hulk, 5 ft. 9 in. as Banner, 6 ft. 6 in. as gray Hulk
- Weight: 1,040 lbs. as green Hulk, 128 lbs. as Banner, 900 lbs. as gray Hulk
- Eyes: Green as green Hulk, Brown as Banner, grey as grey Hulk
- Hair: Green as green Hulk, Brown as Banner, black as grey Hulk
- Marital Status: Married
- Wife: Betty Ross Talbot (Deceased)
- Father: Brian (Deceased)
- Mother: Rebecca Walters (Deceased)
Hulk is 50 years old if counted from his age in comics
Bruce was born on December 18, 1969. He was an intelligent young boy so got admission at Harvard University very easily. Later, he met Betty Ross and they started dating each other. During their dating period, they volunteered for an experiment involving hallucinogenic. Due to his extraordinary performance, he became a leader in gamma radiation research.
During this time, he worked with Erik Selvig who was an astrophysicist and mentor of Jane Foster and Darcy Lewis. In 2006, Betty’s father, General Thaddeus Ross, posted Bruce in the military research group to make soldiers more resistant to radiation. Ross gave him this post because he was hoping that Bruce would perfect recreation of the original Super Soldier Serum (used on Steve Rogers aka Captain America). But something different happened and Bruce was exposed to gamma rays which made him Hulk.
How Bruce Banner became Hulk
During the test of the gamma bomb, Bruce noticed that a young boy had entered the test site. In order to protect the boy, he rushed towards him. He pushes the boy aside which accidentally exposes himself to the rays of a gamma bomb.
Thanks to that young boy we have a hero now. So, after that incident, Bruce Banner got transformed into a giant monster known as Hulk. Later, he realized that whenever he is angry, he gets converted into the powerful Hulk. Stan Lee chose a grey color for the Hulk because he wanted a color that did not suggest any particular ethnic group.
But the colorist Stan Goldberg had problems with the grey coloring. He tried all the shades of grey. After seeing the first published issue, Stan Lee chose to change the skin color to green.
Strengths of Hulk
Hulk possesses incredible superhuman strength. He has great healing power too. As the anger increases, he becomes more powerful. Because of his strength, he is able to push the things harder with the muscles, which can make him faster.
The Hulk has displayed super speed by running at speeds of 300 mph. But when he is Banner, he possesses a genius-level intellect and is expert in the studies of physics and radiation. Hulk is one of the two strongest superheros in Marvel. The only superhero who can match Hulk in strength is Thor.
So that was the basic introduction on Hulk. Now, let’s have a look at some of the lesser-known facts about Hulk.
1. The name Bruce Banner was initially changed to David Banner because the former sounded ‘Gay-ish’
The Incredible Hulk was adapted into a live television show in 1978. After its release, the name was changed to David Banner from Bruce Banner. According to the show’s executive producer Kenneth John, it was done to make it look more real but later Stan Lee said that according to the executive the name Bruce Banner sounded too ‘gay-ish’.
Later Stan Lee and Ferrigno felt that this was ridiculous and opted to keep Bruce Banner as the name.
2. Hulk can breathe under water
Irrespective of his super strengths, Hulk has some powers that are not shown in the movies but are in comics. He has a gland that allows him to breathe under water. The pressure in the lungs increases as he gets underwater, which helps him breathe.
3. Hulk can see dead people
Seeing dead people is one of the hidden powers of Hulk. This power is well-illustrated in the comics. This power made him one of the few characters who are able to see Doctor Strange in his astral form. This power developed when Bruce Banner killed his dad. Then Hulk developed a self-defense mechanism of seeing dead people to protect him from his dad coming back from the afterlife for revenge.
4. Arnold was rejected for the role of Hulk
Arnold Schwarzenegger was also considered for the role of Hulk in the TV series in 1978. But he was rejected because his height was less than 6’2’’. Later this role was given to Ferrigno whose height is 6’5’’.
5. Wolverine was first introduced in Hulk comics
Hulk comics were not that much famous back then thus an agent named Wolverine was introduced into the Hulk comics #181 to spice the things up. Wolverine was an anonymous agent who was sent by the Canadian government to take the Hulk down. And we all know the impact Wolverine had on Marvel.
6. Afraid of itself
The major strength of Hulk is his anger. More anger more power. Sometimes in anger, his mind stops working and he can’t differentiate between good and bad people. So, according to the comics, after incidents involving The Avenger, Hulk actually left the group because he realized that his teammates were afraid of him as he was not able to control his anger. So, he stayed away for fifty years before finally returning.
7. Bruce turned his cousin into She-Hulk
One of the unknown facts about Hulk was that his blood can make another person Hulk, too. Once Banner was trying to save his cousin Jennifer Walters. She got shot and was dying. So, to save her he transferred his blood as his blood has healing power. This saved Jennifer’s life but transformed her into a superhero.
8. Hulk is immortal
As we know that Hulk has the healing power, which is similar to Wolverine and Deadpool. His organs can regrow when destroyed or damaged. The most interesting fact is that his body mutates for survival technically making him immortal.
9. She-Hulk is opposite to the Hulk.
Hulk takes two colors both green and grey. When he is fueled with aggression, he turns into green but when he is smart and calm, he turns into grey. So, from his color, we can tell his mindset. But She-Hulk is the exact opposite to the Hulk. When she is in aggression mode, she turns into grey and when she is calm and smart, she takes green color.
10. Hulk loves cute puppies
In Indestructible Hulk #1, when Hulk was out of control the S.H.I.E.L.D unleashed a box full of puppies on him. After seeing the cute puppies, Hulk got calm and turned back into Bruce Banner. Imagine Hulk playing with little cute puppies.
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