bodyguard reveals Celebrities Secrets

Being a celebrity is not easy. The celebrities are always at risk because of their fan following. This is why they need security. Thus they hire bodyguards who protect them and keep them safe. Being close to celebrities at all times, the bodyguards get to know a lot of secrets.

Today, we will be discussing the interesting secrets of the celebrities which an unnamed bodyguard revealed.


1. High demands

Every individual is different and that comes to these rich people who have some different demands and quirky way of doing things. People might call them crazy or extraordinary and even tantrum throwers, but the truth is that they are not at all different than some CEO of a big company. They are very rigid in their ways of doing their things, and that has to be very unique and different.

Celebrities bodygaurds secrets

2. Celebs take advantage of bodyguards who are too friendly

Being a bodyguard is easier than being an over-friendly bodyguard. That’s because once the bodyguards start being friendly, these celebrities take them for granted and can anytime start asking them to pick their luggage at the airport or pick the kids from school or take the dog for a walk. These jobs are nowhere related to security, and once they’re caught, saying a ‘no’ can be a difficult thing. It’s better to make things clear from day one.

Celebs bodyguards secrets

3. Apart from the physical protection, a lot is taken care of

It is generally believed that the celebrities keep the bodyguards to keep them from physical harm, but the truth is that they have to take care of many more things, like the trap door or the wire that the kid holds on the ground, so that their client does not have to face an embarrassing situation.


4. Celebrities do recommend their bodyguards to others

Being a bodyguard, if one develop a liking for oneself in the mind of the celebrities they might just land into a better job despite the background. Bodyguards who work for celebrities have often done the Red Carpet events like the Grammys or the Oscars. It might not seem like a big deal but escorting a big celebrity to their Greenroom is indeed a big deal.


Celebrities recommend their bodyguards

5. The bitter truth: Celebrities are selfish

Celebrities follow narcissism and they have it in their personality. They just stop caring about what’s happening around them because they get so lost in themselves. All of a sudden they might just start playing a game and won’t even give a thought about the bodyguard having a family of his own. They only want the bodyguard to be around them all the time.

selfish meme
Make a Meme

6. Getting the bodyguards into tricky situations

The bodyguard’s duty is to protect the client. Sometimes, when the client possesses something illegal or does something that’s not right, the bodyguard has to stand like a wall between the law and his client. This causes the bodyguard to come into trouble with the police. It generally happens when caught in possession of intoxicants like drugs, marijuana, etc.

Bodyguard protecting celebrity

7. Celebs want bodyguards to work according to their liking

Being a bodyguard comes with following the schedule of the client. They have to eat when celebs do. Generally in a fancy restaurant, where there is a lower risk of something outrageous happening, the bodyguards sit on a different table to eat because standing beside the celebrities with a suit and an earpiece on is going to bring unwanted attention. It is better to keep a low profile.

Celebs secrets by bodygaurds

8. Bollywood celebs are highly unpredictable

The life of a celebrity is very unpredictable. For someone who is basically new to this celebrity business, there is more danger because the celebs can end up on the media due to scandals. This makes it very unpredictable for the bodyguards, but sometimes, seeing their hard work and passion, gets us knowing of the upcoming success.

Bodyguard protecting bollywood celebrity
UK Personal Protection

9. Social Media makes them more prone

Celebrities stay in touch with their fans directly using social media. And these days, on social media like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram there is an option available where one can post their location where they are for the world to know. This makes more fans come to the scene, and thus making it easier for someone to harm them increasing the work of the bodyguards.

Bollywood and social media

10. Celebrities keep moving from one corner of the world to another

The hectic life of celebrities comes with a hectic life for the bodyguards as well. This causes problems in planning personal relationships and personal time. But a bodyguard confessed that he got to do something that he loved and it was an amazing experience for him to be living in Tokyo and waking up in Egypt the next day.


B celebrities secrets


An interior designer turned into content writer, Shalini is an experienced Editor and Content Writer with a demonstrated history of working in the marketing and advertising industry. Skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Content Writing and Editing. Strong media and communication professional with an Interior Designer focused in Designing from Inifd. Experienced Content Writer with a demonstrated history of working in content writing and blogging for 6 years she has the ability to make an impact by writing statements that intensify the tone of a topic. She strive to find a way to weave words unconventionally while serving a meaningful result for the readers.