Different people have different handwriting, some are exquisitely good, and some are imperfect. We all have practiced handwriting since we were young, with the hope to improve. Beautiful handwriting leaves a long-lasting impact on the reader and provides a pleasant experience. This is the reason why students are asked to practice cursive writing. Writing competitions, should not be ignored by people. This girl from Nepal proves that practice makes everything perfect with the most beautiful handwriting in the world.
Students should be encouraged to practice their handwriting from a young age as starting young gives them ample time to improve their skills. They can also participate in handwriting competitions to improve and get that boost of confidence to do better.
Beautiful handwriting improves and enhances a reader’s experience. We often tend to get attracted to flawless and neat handwriting than untidy handwriting with uneven gapping. This is also the reason that students with better handwriting tend to get more marks as the examiner is tempted to read and check the paper with neat handwriting more seriously.
A girl named Prakriti Malla who lives in Nepal is gifted with perfect handwriting
Prakriti was not even aware when her writing went viral on social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit. This is the advantage of social media that people who possess incomparable talents like her get the recognition they deserve. There is no denying the fact that good handwriting attracts the reader.
She possesses this amazing talent and her writing can easily tempt people. Her writing is as flawless as a computer font. The space between each of her letters is uniform and she has come up with a new style of calligraphy.
This is the handwriting of Nepalese Yr 8 student Prakriti Malla which was recognised as the most beautiful handwriting in the world #writing pic.twitter.com/l1LSwxhR3q
— Kirstin Ferguson (@kirstinferguson) October 17, 2017
Prakriti won the title of Penmanship Competition which is a handwriting competition organized by the government of Nepal.
Moreover, the Nepal government officially announced her signature as the most beautiful signature in its country. Getting stunning handwriting like Prakriti requires a lot of practice, it is alleged that she practices two hours every day for that exquisite handwriting.
Many netizens have even suggested converting Prakriti’s handwriting into an official MS Word font and using it in their products.
Prakriti came into the limelight in 2017 through social media
She was a student of standard 8 in Sainik Awasiya Mahavidyalaya, Nepal at that time.
We hope the doctors would get inspired by Prakriti’s handwriting.
Also read: 21 Best Handwriting Examples In The World That will Give You An Eyegasm