body language in relationships

Body language and non-verbal cues are a critical part of healthy communication. The way our body tells a story is often unconscious and comes naturally depending on how we feel and what we want. In a relationship, whether it is a new budding relationship or a lasting marriage, our body language can speak to how the connection is going.

Not only can examining body language tell you more about your relationship, but it can also cause you to be more aware of your body language so that it aligns with your true feelings and thoughts.


What is body language?

Body language is the non-verbal component of communication and includes many different elements in our interactions with other people. Body language can refer to facial expressions, hand gestures, standing posture, eye contact, and more.

Being able to read body language is important for good communication. Knowing different body language signs and their meaning applied to a certain context or situation in order to improve your communication skills with your romantic partner or anybody else. A lot of body language is done subconsciously but identifying and examining it can be beneficial.

body language in relationships

Positive body language in relationships

Some of the positive body language signs are quite obvious and noticeable, while others are less understood and may be interpreted incorrectly by some individuals. Smiling is one of the clearest examples of a positive, healthy relationship and will usually match our mood and desires.

Sometimes a smile can seem inappropriate in a certain situation but may be related to nervousness. However, typically a smile is a good sign of happiness and joy. We can tell a lot about a person’s feelings from their facial expressions and a smile is one of the most important expressions we make.


A smile may also coincide with other facial expressions that can tell you more about the reason for the smile. Wider eyes with raised eyebrows with a gentle smile show friendliness and interest as well as confidence.

Another component of body language is the mimicry of a partner’s moves. You have probably heard that completing your partner’s sentences is a good sign of a connection and that same idea holds true with non-verbal cues as well. If we love someone, we are more likely to copy their movements, speaking styles, and facial expressions. This may even include synchronized walking.

Another good sign is the way our body leans in relation to our partner. If we angle our body toward them, it often expresses the fact that we find that person appealing, interesting, and comforting.

In romantic relationships, spontaneous touching can say a lot about how well the partnership is going. When we are attracted to someone, we instinctively want to touch them. This can exhibit itself as arm touching, back rubbing, or holding hands.


You should also consider how you look at your partner and the way they look at you. Gazing directly into another person’s eyes can be a positive sign and indicate that we are interested in them. This also makes it easier to see other facial expressions that may be communicating a thought or feeling.

Protective gestures are another good sign. You may put your arm around your date or vice versa and that shows care and concern for a person’s livelihood. By doing this, we show that we want them to be safe and want to help protect them.

Body Language on relationship

Negative body language in relationships

There are also body language signs that indicate negative aspects of relationships. Sometimes these intermingle with positive body language, which can be confusing, but it is still good to know what some of the signs may display as far as emotions and thoughts are concerned.

Blinking irregularly can be a sign of discomfort and irritability. Research shows that blinking less may be caused by the person trying to control their eye movements. This is unlikely to happen in situations where both parties feel pleased and comfortable.

Another sign of low intimacy is a pat on the back, particularly during a hug. While this is not always the case, a pat on the back could be associated with a loss of passion or disconnect. Closed body posture could mean the same thing or that there is a lack of trust. Crossed arms often show that we are trying to protect ourselves or create a barrier between you and them. It shows the opposite of vulnerability and may also signify anger or sadness.


Furrowed brows may also indicate agitation or contempt. This could be in regards to the relationship as a whole, but it could also be solely related to the topic at hand as well so it is crucial to consider the context.

Finally, and maybe obviously, leaning away from a person is often a negative sign. This is also the case for looking away. It often symbolizes distrust, discomfort, or anxiety and may also show a lack of trust and honesty in the relationship. Pulling away from contact can also show a lack of desire to become intimate or a movement away from the relationship emotionally.

Negative body language in relationships


The way we move, gesture, and display facial expressions can communicate a lot, even if the body language is not a conscious decision. Knowing what body language displays may help you learn how to communicate non-verbally with your partner and address potential signs that body language may indicate.


Marie Miguel
Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.