The weapon which was made to harness the power of all the infinity stones. The architecture of the gadget is marvelous looking at the fact that no human can hold even a single infinity stone. The power of the Gauntlet amplifies with each infinity stone added to it. Speaking purely of comics, Thanos is a powerful alien being. He is a nihilist in love with Mistress Death, but she only speaks to him through her servants because he is not worthy of her attention. Prior to The Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos has undertaken several quests for power in order to win her affection. Let’s look at some items which have equally amazing architecture and are similar in power level if not more.
1. The Cloak of Levitation
The formation of the cloak was something a battling task as it is one of the most powerful
weapons of none other than MCU. This protective shield is the best screening to keep the
enemies away from a person. The Master of the Mystic Arts owns this magical artifact. The
cloak of levitation took a large span to get established in the movie.
2. The Destroyer
When it comes to counting the primary weapons of Asgard in Thor, then one can consider it
in this list. The technological creation of Asgardian, the Destroyer can safeguard the vault of weapons. Whosoever is the ruler of Asgard he will obey the instructions and rules passed by the ruler. Thor’s brother Loki is the one who made the destroyer dance on his fingers for killing the brother.
3. Jarnbjorn
Jarnbjorn was known as “Wrecker of words” was an axe used by young Thor before he
wielded Mjolnir. Thor increased its power by sacrificing his blood. The weapon was so
powerful that it could pierce through the armor of celestial. Thor lost his axe to Kang the
Conqueror, who gave it to Apocalypse twins and regain the weapon by defeating them.
4. Darkhold
Darkhold is known as Books of Sins or Spells, seen in Marvel’s Agents of Shield, is an ancient book of spells and magic which has secret powers. It is used to create anything whatever you desire. If anyone has the possession of a book, then no can defeat that person.
5. Thanos’ Space Chair
Thano”s chair, a powerful floating chair of Mad Titan where he introduces men who work
for him like The Black Order, Ronin The Accuser, etc. The chair not only fire blasts but also
help him to cross dimensions with the speed of light. If he upgrades the cosmic capabilities
of a throne, then literally he would become the king of Cosmos.
6. Odinsword
This powerful sword, if ever taken out, would anticipate the end of the world and the start
of Ragnarok. After the curse removed, it was given to Thor to defeat his uncle the God of
fear, as he was defeated only by this weapon and also can kill Thanos if used by the most
worthy person.
7. Hofund
Hofund, the powerful sword of Heimdall has many magical powers which enable him to
change himself as a human to come to earth. Primarily, it is used to open Bi-frost Bridge and move people over nine realms. It was outlined and constructed by David DelaGardelle, the swordsmith.
8. Heart Of The Universe
It is such a powerful weapon that no other thing can match its power. Used by Thanos,
Heart of Universe allows the user to sync with a frequency of the whole universe. For
example, one can control thoughts of each cosmic and also can hear the last breath of a
dying man.
9. Excalibur
After the destruction of the legendary Sword in the Stone, the Lady of the Lake gifted to King Arthur Excalibur, which he used for many years to protect Camelot from the forces of evil. Excalibur was wielded in recent years by the Black Knight against the forces of Necromon before returned to the resurrected Arthur. Virtually indestructible, Excalibur was sheathed in a magical scabbard that prevented its holder from losing any blood, regardless of his wounds.
Also read- Here Is Everything You Need To Know About Thanos, Marvel’s Most Powerful Villain