Ways To Reduce The Chances Of Breast Cancer

Health is one of the most precious gifts in life. While unpredictable circumstances happen every day, there are so many things one can do to prevent many of them from happening. Of course, conditions such as breast cancer are at the top of the list to concern any woman.

Many women worry that someday they might feel a lump in their breast while showering or a mammogram will bear unfortunate news. After all, it is one of the most common kinds of cancer among women of different ages.


With the advancement in technology, many women with breast cancer stand strong. However, every woman can agree that they want to do their best to avoid going through this challenging and painful journey.

If you are also concerned about protecting yourself from breast cancer, here are a few effective tips that can be helpful.

1. Take mammograms seriously

If you take your health seriously, you can understand that protection and prevention go hand in hand. While mammograms do not help in the prevention of breast cancer, they can help in its detection during early breast cancer stages.

Breast cancer can be treated more effectively when it is in its early stage. In most cases, women above the age of 40 are recommended to get regular screening. However, you may need early screening if you have a higher chance of breast cancer.


While regular self-examination is vital, you cannot completely rely on it for early detection. Mammograms work by creating an X-ray image of your breast, which is not possible at home. So, it’s best to consult your doctor about mammograms and their urgency.


2. Learn about your family history

Many pieces of research have shown that women with a history of breast cancer in their families are at a higher risk of facing this condition in their life. Therefore, they need to take extra measures to protect themselves from breast cancer.

When you look into your family history, do not limit your research to breast cancer only. You must also look for instances of ovarian cancer in your sister, mother, and grandmother to better understand your risks.
If more than one person has battled this condition, your chances of facing the condition can grow even further. That is why it’s best to let your healthcare providers know about these instances as early as possible.

breast cancer

3. Avoid hormone therapy

Menopause can be a challenging time in every woman’s life. Hot flashes and cold sweat may not seem like a big problem for a listener. However, no one can feel your struggle unless they take a step in your shoes.
Although hormone therapy can relieve the symptoms of menopause, many studies have shown a strong correlation between hormone therapy and breast cancer. That is why women, especially those at a higher risk of breast cancer, are recommended to avoid hormone therapy.


Whether you take estrogen or a combination of estrogen and progestin, its use over time can cause complications. Therefore, even if hormone therapy is crucial for you, make sure that you keep it as short as possible.

hormone therapy

4. Avoid birth control over 35

There are many things in life that carry both risks and benefits. Birth control pills are an ideal example of such things. While they have given so many couples a sense of security, it can be a risky path for women.

The correlation between birth control and breast cancer gets stronger as women progress in age. However, the risk goes away as soon as a woman stops using the pill. Yet, it is best to consult your healthcare provider before use.

Therefore, if you are at high risk of breast cancer, it is best to use other forms of birth control that pose the least risk to your overall health. This conversation with your doctor becomes even more important if you are a smoker or have heart conditions.

Avoid birth control pill

5. Try to breastfeed

Motherhood is not every woman’s calling. However, if you plan on having children in the future, breastfeeding can be a great way to reduce the chances of breast cancer. There are endless benefits of breastfeeding for the mother and her child.


According to many pieces of research, breastfeeding for a total of one year for one child or more can reduce the chances of breast cancer in women. Of course, breastfeeding also has great benefits for a child’s health as well.

Breastfeeding has proven to reduce the chances of many short and long-term illnesses in children. These children also have a reduced risk of type-1 diabetes, asthma, SIDS, stomach bugs, and ear infections.

Try to breastfeed

6. Quit smoking

Whether you are at risk of breast cancer or not, in any situation, your healthcare provider will always recommend you against smoking. It is one of the unhealthiest habits that can increase your chances of lung-related illnesses, blood pressure, and stroke.

Studies have shown that women who smoke are at a higher risk of breast cancer than the others. Smoking is also a leading cause of more than 15 types of cancer. Therefore, it is important to say goodbye to this habit as soon as possible.
Remember that it’s never too late to quit smoking whether you started smoking a year ago or have been doing it for decades, it’s best to quit this habit as soon as possible to reduce the chances of uncountable illnesses, including breast cancer.

Quit smoking

7. Stop consuming alcohol

Everyone needs a drink sometimes to celebrate different events or to lay back and relax. However, the consumption of alcohol has proven to increase the chances of breast cancer in women.


Alcohol can increase the estrogen levels in your body and increase the risk of breast cancer by damaging your DNA. Studies have shown that women who do not drink at all have significantly lesser chances of getting breast cancer.

Therefore, it is best to quit your alcohol consumption completely. You can start by reducing your alcohol consumption slowly over time. But make sure that you bring it down to a minimum level as soon as possible to reduce your chances of breast cancer.

Stop consuming alcohol


Shweta Bose
Currently pursuing postgraduation from Calcutta University, Shweta strives to captivate readers with compelling narratives and creativity. Having one year experience in Content Writing, detailed insight is at the core of her writing approach. With her charming writing and vivid description, she can engage her target audiences to cater to their needs.