A world in which pink walls for a baby boy and blue shorts for a baby girl is as equivalent to a world where broomstick ensures as a transport mode. In the woven cobweb of social stereotype, gender roles are often targeted as prey. And this corresponds to gender inequality.
One of the brewing topics of present day is feminism, advocating gender equality for females. But in this tug of war with the society where woman are restricted on the doings and non doings, we forget to see the other side of the wall where the same society forcefully implements the definition of manhood on males. We have forgotten that liberation from gender role should also include men. And it’s not a surprise that people have not come across the word Masculism/Masculinism – advocacy of the rights of men for its never given a thought that stereotypical looks come their way too.
Here are some everyday implication and hardship that men face:
1. Generalizing men as emotionally distant
We stand in a puddle of hypocrisy pointing out how men are cold hearted with no emotional adherence. But growing up with phrases like ‘don’t be a sissy’ or ‘man up’ and all so famous ‘ladke rote nahi hain’, men are pushed from childhood to mask their vulnerability to prove their masculinity.
2. Physical strength, a must and should for men
Tall, strong, muscular and able to punch villains black and blue are again some parameters to measure manliness. Just a ridiculous expectation for a guy to live up to it, especially if their naturally not intimidating.
And to top it off, emotional feelings are inversely proportional to physical strength that is to say a strongly built man is least emotionally available.
3. A wardrobe full with shades of grey
Judgemental eyes on the choice of clothing doesn’t limit only to women. Even men receive looks when they try fashion with accessories, hair style and colour preference. Having their choices already limited to combinations of pants and shirts, they also have to limit themselves to formal and bland colour.
At least women have no bounds in that category.
4. Men are thought to live life in fight clubs
Again to prove as a macho, guys would rather get a concussion then to be called less than a man. But in one hand men being civilized in a testosterone fulled argument without violence are traded for being ‘sissies’ or ‘pussies’ (forgive my language) and on the other, something solved with fists are said to have a temper issue.
For heaven’s sake, cut them some slack!
5. Ego – Every guy’s middle name
As every rule has an exception, just having dealt with few males with an urge to have an upper hand in all matters doesn’t imply that the whole men race have an ego problem.
Giving the tag ‘male ego’ reaches its peak when he voices his opinion or slightly disagrees.
6. Sex – Every guy’s surname
Men are painted as creatures with no control over their libido and women are painted as angles with no sexual desire. Being mortal being it’s perfectly natural to have such desires instead of gender debasing.
Just because of few black sheep in the herd, not all good gestures by men, is for the sole purpose to get into your pants.
7. An ogler, a rapist
Next stop is, the eyes that linger an extra second or two crossing the line to pervert territory. This being a matter of sensitivity, it might have been that the girl reminded him of person he knows or she might be a stunner but a wrong calling from a girl’s side can ruin an innocent curious gaze of a guy and crush him completely for a wrong doing which wasn’t his intention.
Even said so rape cases now being frequent, women are prone to take extra measures. For this the only solution is for both men and women to meet half way in understanding each other.
8. Money equals success, equals manhood
In this world to be a man you must have money, title, power, position and material possession which requires an educational path that can mint money and not any liberal arts subject or follow passion which has no future. And as a default men become the primary providers of the family.
Though in present day women are empowered enough to support their family but this is by choice.
9. To get down on one knee
It’s never considered that men would also prefer to be swept off their feet, to be pampered with gifts, to be wooed and to be taken care off.
Because to be a man it’s necessary to be jealous but not possessive, be stoic and strong but not emotionally insensitive, showers attention but not be clingy and so the list goes on.
10. Being mistaken for gay
Men do not have privilege of showing affection to each other in public as women without their sexual orientation being judged.
Also men who do not check off the list of social norms about masculinity are walking on thin ice to be perceived as gay especially men who are sensitive towards women’s feelings.
11. Violence is a male trait
If a man slaps a woman, he is an abuser and a monster, if a woman slaps a man, “he must have done something wrong”.
Violence on men by other men or violence on men by women are never accounted for and is never taken seriously. And recognition of rape on men is equal to null. Men being pictured as strong and always sexually driven, it’s never given a thought that they can be forced against their will to engage in a sexual activity or face sexual assault of any kind.