If you tend to suffer from allergies during the spring and summer, you may be wondering about homeopathic flu prevention and how you can prevent and ease allergy symptoms naturally. From runny noses to blurry eyes to constant sneezing and more, allergies can bring an onslaught of unpleasant symptoms that may even require you to take homeopathic allergy meds. Fortunately, there are a few natural steps that can help you soothe your symptoms and make your allergies easier to manage.
Tweak your diet to help boost your immune system
Perhaps the best way to help prevent your body from breaking out in bad allergy symptoms in the first place is eating a rich and immune health-boosting diet. If you already know about what to eat to prevent flu, you may only need to make a few small tweaks here! Make sure to incorporate the following into your daily diet for an extra immunity boost.
• Hot tea with honey
• Warm milk
• Vitamin-rich vegetables or fruits
• Peppermint
• Probiotics
• Spirulina
Set up a humidifier, do some deep cleaning and turn down the A.C.
Did you know that dry air can lead to exacerbated allergy symptoms? If you live in a place where spring or summer weather means greater heat and humidity, your extra air conditioning during those months could be the culprit behind your constant sneezing or coughing, for instance. Additionally, forgoing spring cleaning could leave behind irritating allergens in your home. To ensure your house is a safe haven where you won’t exacerbate your symptoms, you should:
• Turn down the air conditioning, which could dry out your throat and exacerbate symptoms such as coughing
• Set up a humidifier in your bedroom to help soothe your throat and eyes
• Clean your house on a weekly basis, including dusting and vacuuming, to get rid of potential irritants
Soothe symptoms using easy, at-home remedies
When allergy symptoms hit, you don’t need to panic. There are, thankfully, several time-tested, at-home remedies that could help you feel better. Many allergy suffers deal not only with a variety of physical symptoms, including puffiness and itchiness, but with the resulting emotional toll as well. That means that any allergy remedies that can ease physical symptoms may help you to feel better emotionally as well! To soothe your physical and emotional symptoms, you can pamper and soothe yourself with these simple solutions.
• Take a warm bath with aromatherapeutic bath salts
• Use an essential oil diffuser to spread anti-inflammatory oils such as peppermint, frankincense or eucalyptus throughout your home
• Schedule a home acupuncture or massage appointment
• Take an antihistamine
• Use a saline nasal spray to help soothe a runny nose
Dealing with allergy symptoms in the spring and summer seasons, whether that’s frequent sneezing, a runny nose or teary eyes, can be frustrating. If you’ve been searching for natural allergy symptom remedies, you may want to give these at-home solutions a try. Focus on an immune-boosting diet, try a humidifier and employ several simple, homeopathic remedies to relieve your allergy symptoms and even help prevent them in the future.