Home Military Only These 9 Countries In The World Have Nuclear Weapons Including India

Only These 9 Countries In The World Have Nuclear Weapons Including India

by Shalini
Nuclear weapons countries

All the mythologies mention the war between two or more kingdoms or empires in the times of conflict. War has not finished, not even today. In fact, it has also developed with technology, and has gotten more dangerous than it was before. The end of the Second World War was a notable event in the history of mankind. The Second World War was ended by the United States of America, who had dropped two nuclear bombs named Little Boy and Fat Man on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the cities of Japan, in 1945. This caused a severe loss to Japan. Many people died instantly, and the rest died out of radiation and the other factors. The life was completely devastated in Japan. And it is still affecting them. The United States of America was the first country to show the world the power of a nuclear bomb, and today, a lot of other countries have developed nuclear missiles, which are to be used in warfare. The only purpose of manufacturing nuclear missiles is the complete elimination of the enemy nation or clan.

We have a list of 9 Countries in the World have nuclear missiles and India is one of them:


1. China

The growth of China on the global level is supreme. China is soon to become the superpower of the world, like the United States of America or even more. China does not stay backed off when it comes to being equipped with power and arms. China is said to own around 270 nuclear missiles. A total of 45 tests have been performed by the Chinese over their nuclear missiles. Their first test was performed in October of 1964, and the last test was performed in July of 1996.

2. United Kingdom

Remember the time when the United Kingdom had covered the maximum part of the world as their colonies? This gives a clear indication of how powerful the British people can be. Not just with their diplomacy and ruling qualities, the United Kingdom is no less when it comes to military capabilities. They have around 215 nuclear missiles. They are said to have conducted 45 nuclear tests. The first test was carried out in the October of 1952, and the last one in the November of 1991.

United Kingdom nuclear Weapon



3. United States of America

Standing as a superpower today, with a total of 6,550 nuclear missiles under their belt what else do you expect from the oldest player of the game? They have performed 1,030 tests on their nuclear weapons. The first test was done in July 1945, the last on in July of 1992.

4. France

The French look very fashionable and jolly people but don’t underestimate their strength when it comes to warfare. France is among the top nuclear states, with their 300 nuclear missiles, and with 210 tests performed on nuclear missiles. The first test by France was conducted in February 1960, and the last one in January 1996.

France nuclear missiles

European Leadership Network


5. Russia

Russia’s grandeur is undoubted in warfare. Their power is very well portrayed since the World Wars and the race to space with the USA. Russia has more than 6,800 nuclear missiles. The Russians performed their first test in August 1949 and the last test on nuclear missiles in October of 1990.

6. Pakistan

Pakistan, a country formed in 1947, after the partition of India, has taken up the pace of the military warfare much faster than other countries of its age. Pakistan has around 130 to 140 nuclear missiles, but they have performed only two tests until today. Though the numbers have not yet been verified by any agency, Pakistan makes its claim confidently of making more nuclear missiles than India. The only confirmed test performed by them was in May 1998.

7. India

India ranks fifth all over the world when it comes to military strength index of the world. With a country that stands strong in military and warfare, it was expected to have nuclear missiles. India has around 120 to 130 nuclear missiles and has carried 3 tests on nuclear missiles. The first test by India was done in May of 1974, and the last one in May of 1998.


8. North Korea

The Northern country of the Korean Peninsula has been in the news recently because of its prime minister, Kim Jong Un, threatening the United States with a nuclear attack. This brought us to the solid numbers of North Korea’s nuclear missiles. The country has 10 to 20 nuclear missiles under its belt and has performed around 6 nuclear tests. The first test of nuclear missiles by North Korea was conducted in October of 2006. The most recent test by North Korea dates to September of 2017.

9. Israel

Israel has a very rich and motivating history. It is the country where Jesus Christ was born. The country might be small, but its capabilities cannot be underestimated. The country claims to have around 80 nuclear weapons, but no nuclear tests have been performed by Israel yet.

Israel nuclear missiles

The Times of Israel



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