Iron-Man is a fictional superhero who launched the marvel Cinematic Universe. Tony Stark who is an Iron man is a billionaire,playboy, philanthropist and the founder of Avengers. Till now he has appeared in seven movies which are : Iron-Man, Iron-Man 2, The Avengers, Iron-Man 3, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: Civil Wars and Avengers: Infinity War.
Initially he was just a human with genius brain. Then under some circumstances he made a suit which has so many powers. That suit made him an Iron-Man.
Now Let’s know everything about Iron Man in detail.
- Real Name: Anthony ”Tony” Stark
- Occupation: Inventor, Industrialist
- Height: 6’1”
- Hair: Black
- Eyes: Blue
- Weight: 185 lbs
- Place of Birth: Long Island, New York
- Marital Status: Single
- Father: Howard Stark
- Mother: Maria Stark
- Cousin: Morgan
- Base of Operations: Seattle, Washington
- Group Affiliation: Avengers
Tony Stark was born to Howard and Maria Stark. Howard Stark was a businessman but was alcoholic. So his mother sent tony to a boarding school. There Tony’s interest grew in games. He was very much fascinated by the games, their rules and the way they are represented. So he started doing experiments with making games.
He earned two college degrees one in physics and one in engineering but was still not satisfied by this. He found all these degrees very easy but not challenging. After few years his parents were killed in a car accident which was due to design flaw in the brakes of the car. Tony then brought that car’s company, redesigned that car and fixed the problem. He did all these things while he was still in his twenties.
How Tony Stark became Iron-Man
Tony stark is a billionaire, philanthropist and head of Stark industries. He was once demoing a weapon in Afghanistan, and was attacked by the same weapon due to which bits of sharpnel remained in his body. At the same day he was kidnapped and kept in a cave by the Ten Rings(a terrorist group).
A fellow prisoner who was a doctor, implanted an electromagnetic into Stark’s Chest to keep sharpnel away from heart as it would kill him. In the cave Stark created an armored suit which he used to escape from that cave and returned home. After that day he became an Iron man who had a suit made with iron.
Strengths of Iron-Man
Without his suit Tony Stark possesses the normal strength like any other human being, but he possesses super-genius intellect. His intelligence is one of the most underrated ability. His intelligence is classed as above genius. He is also one of the three smartest people on the earth. He is also an excellent engineer and mechanic. His armor magnifies his physical strength to superhuman levels.
Weapons of Iron-Man
Iron-Man’s powers come from his suit. He is able to lift 100 times more of his body weight when he is wearing that suit. He is also able to reach the speed of 5 miles per second with his suit on. There are millions of powers of his suit. Some of them are high speed, provides shield, can fire, has smart missiles and so on.
So that was the basic introduction on Iron-Man.
Now, let’s have a look at some of the lesser-known facts about Iron-Man.
1. Tom Cruise was offered the role of Iron-Man
Before Robert Downey, the role of Iron-Man was offered to Tom Cruise. Tom refused to do so because he was not pleased by the script.
2. Iron Man movie was shot without a complete script
Jon Favreau announced the movie release date so early that the script was not even complete. So Jeff Bridges and Robert Downey used to come to set without knowing their dialogues and made most of the dialogues as they went along. They made half of the script themselves.
3. J.A.R.V.I.S. is not just a name
J.A.R.V.I.S. stands for “Just A Rather Very Intelligent System”. It was originally Tony’s natural-language user interface computer system. After sometime, he was upgraded into an artificially intelligent system. After developing the Iron-Man suit Tony uploaded J.A.R.V.I.S into it allowing him to interact with other Avengers as well. He was named after Edwin Jarvis who worked for Howard Stark.
4. Tony graduated from MIT with a Master’s Degree at the age of 17
Tony was considered as the third most genius person on the earth.He entered MIT at the age of 15 and left at the college at the age of 17 with a master’s degree in Chemical Engineering.
5. Voice behind J.A.R.V.I.S. is Paul Bettany
When J.A.R.V.I.S voice role was offered to Paul, at that time he didn’t know the plot of the story and even after the release he didn’t know the story. He once said in an interview that J.A.R.V.I.S. was the easiest job and it was like a robbery since he only worked for two hours and got paid a lot of money. The role of Vision is also played by Paul.
6. Tony made a suit designed for the vacation “In space”
According to the Comics Tony built the Model 41 of his suit to travel in space. He made custom models to hang out with the Guardians of the Galaxy. It is designed for a proper sight-seeing tour of the cosmos.
7. Tony Stark bought AREA 51
AREA 51 is the United States Air Force in Nevada which has a secret purpose. It is used for development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems. As we know that Tony Stark is a billionaire so he purchased AREA 51 and he confesses to the Avengers, “The government quietly put it up for sale and i bought it.”
8. Due to Iron-Man, Robert Downey has become Insanely Rich
In the Forbes list Robert Downey is the highest paid actor for consecutive three years. But everyone doesn’t believe that he is worth the money. Robert Downey has been criticized by his fellow Iron-Man co-star Gwyneth Paltrow for not justifying the cash.
9. You can make your own Real Life Iron-Man suit with selective shopping
The good news is we can make our own Iron-man Suit with some selective shopping but the bad news is hardly any of us would be able to afford it. If you try to buy some of the components then the US secret services and military will be alerted to “Extreme terrorist threat”. You just need $800,000, two jet packs and enough engineering to make them work as a suit.
10. He was in The Forbes in Real Life
In the Iron-Man movie Tony was shown to be on the front page of the Forbes but in real life he was also in Forbes. After some years of movie release Forbes positioned Tony stark as the fourth wealthiest anecdotal character ever in the history with an expected worth of $90 billion.
11. Tony Stark is based on Howard Hughes
Tony Stark character is created by Stan Lee. He has described this character as “One of the most colorful man.” He is an inventor, an adventurer, a multi-billionaire and a ladies man. But there was also one character who has same qualities like Tony Stark and he was Howard Hughes.
Like stark, Hughes was also an industrialist who developed various kinds of weapons. Tony Stark father’s name is Howard Stark, Do you think this is a coincidence?
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