iPhone cases

Every time you drop your phone, your case takes the heat. Whether you can see a visible crack or not, you may have done some damage. You really want your phone to be protected, so you’re likely to get a new case. Hopefully, one as good looking as the one whose corner just shattered.

Things to Consider

When it comes to iPhone cases, there are many looks. In fact, when shopping, we tend to stare at the one we think we want, going back and forth with the one we thought we wanted just a second ago.


Not only are we scanning for looks, but for durability as well. Which is the case that will protect your phone the best, while making sure your personality shines through as well? Tall order. We see two solutions at hand; either sign up for a monthly phone case subscription so that you’re never without a working case or buy new ones as you go. Which is better for you?

iPhone cases


iPhone Case Monthly Subscription

The first option is to join a monthly plan that allows you to get a new case every single month. Online retailers like the iPhone case shop from GetCasely offer these types of subscriptions for several reasons – two of the biggest benefits are:


Peace of Mind

If you crack your iPhone case, you can rest assured that another one is on its way every month. The best part? You’ve already subscribed, so you don’t have to do anything. It’s already on its way. Your phone won’t be sporting the old, cracked covering for too long.

Never Get Bored of the Look

Even if you don’t drop your phone and need a new case, with a monthly subscription, you get the choice of a different look every month. With certain plans, you don’t have to take the case if you don’t need it or don’t like the design, but if you want a fresh new look, one is available to you every month and it comes right to your door.

Buy as You Go Cases

If you’re the type of person who doesn’t drop their phone too often, then this option may be the winner. You likely just need the protection of a phone case, not the looks and variety. If this is the case, then the buy-as-you-go option is for you. Here are the two reasons why:

Buy Only When You Need To

This is the classic option for the classic story: phone falls, case cracks, get online (or go to your nearest storefront) and purchase a new one. If you don’t drop your phone a ton, or if you have one of those indestructible cases, then this option is a great one. You’ll only have to buy when you need to.

Buy Your Choice of Brand

When your case is ready for an upgrade, you’ll have your choice of brand to purchase. You can simply walk into any store and pick what’s trending or shop online. It may not be as fun as getting a monthly gift in the mail, but your phone will still be protected.

The Bottom Line

An iPhone case membership is brilliant for those who want a fresh, yet sturdy new look often. Our phone cases are part of our personalities and every time we pull out our phones, people can see that little part of us.


On the other hand, if what you want are simplicity and security, the traditional route may be good for you. Either way, your iPhone will thank you for the protection.