There are a lot of things in our lives that we do not want to share with our parents or don’t want them to know no matter what. Probably even more if you grew up in a brown household because it is extremely difficult to fool desi parents. It would probably be a nightmare come true if they even get a whiff of what’s cooking in our lives. Well, recently a boy lived that nightmare after he accidentally sent a picture of a beer can to his family WhatsApp group.
Saniya’s brother sent a picture of a beer can to the family WhatsApp group and his parents’ reactions went viral
All hell broke loose when out of excitement, Saniya’s brother by mistake sent a photo of a beer can to the family group. He was looking forward to the Mumbai Indians match on Friday and sent the photo to the WhatsApp group with a caption.
He wrote,
“Mumbai for the win…let’s go”
Saniya immediately texted her brother personally, asking him to delete the picture from the group but unfortunately, it was not possible for his brother. Apparently, her brother panicked and pressed the “Delete for me” option instead of the “Delete for everyone”.
His dad replied with an exasperated,
And his mom asked,
“Tum beer peete ho???”
Saniya took to Twitter to share the screenshot of the conversations with a caption,
“No way my brother sent this on the family group”
No way my brother sent this on the family group 😭
— Saniya Dhawan (@SaniyaDhawan1) May 26, 2023
Netizens’ reactions to the post
Since tweeted, the post has gathered quite a lot of traction on Twitter and the netizens couldn’t keep calm after reading the hilarious exchange.
M sure he will cook up a story
— Raghuveer (@Straying_mind) May 26, 2023
M sure he will cook up a story
— Raghuveer (@Straying_mind) May 26, 2023
Congratulations on being the only owner of your whole generational wealth🤝
— Akshayyy (@PeddiwarAkshay) May 26, 2023
Who needs delete for me feature😭😭😭 this must be removed 😭
— Manas 💪🏽 (@manashejmadi) May 26, 2023
Match pata nahi kaun jeetega lekin six aur four kaha lagenge zaroor pata hai
— GauravBhanshali (@GauravBhanshali) May 26, 2023