Season 7 of Game of Thrones is about to end and once again it has created the similar buzz among its fans. No doubt it is the most watched TV series across the globe. Almost everyone watches the HBO series Game of Thrones, but only true fans will know the deepest secrets of the show. Hints and allusions are dropped at a frighteningly quick pace if you know what to pay attention to.

Here is the list of the characters of Game of Thrones who have been recast with different actors:


1. Daario Naharis

Daenery’s paramour was played by British actor Ed Skrein in Season 3. He was later replaced by Dutch star Michael Husman for Season 4 Through 6.

2. The Night King

For Season 4 and 5, Night King was portrayed by actor Richard Brake. And from season 6, it is being played by Slovak actor and stuntman Vladimir Furdik.


3. Beric Dondarrion

Australian actor Devan Michael Scott portrayed Beric. He was later replaced by Richard Dormer who is portraying since Season 3.

4. Dukon Tarly

Freddie Stroma played Dickon Tarly in Season 6, but was cast in ABC’s Time After Time and had to drop out of Thrones, so Tom Hopper and his abs stepped into the role. By the way, you might recognize Stroma as Cormac McLaggen from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

5. The Three Eyed Raven

The role of Three-Eyed Raven was played by Veteran British actor Straven Lodger very briefly at the end of season 4, but Academy Award-nominee Max von Sydow took over the role in Season 5.


6.Lothar Frey

Lothar Frey was played by Tom Brooke, but was replaced by Daniel Tuite in Season 6.

7. Rickard Karstark.

Role of Stark-loyalist Rickard Karstark in Season 1 was played by Steven Blount, but in Season 2, he was replaved by the gray-bearded John Stahl.


8. Myrcella Baratheon

Irish actor Aimee Richardson played the roles of Myrcella in Season 1 and 2. The character didn’t return (onscreen) until Seasons 5 and 6, at which point the role had been recast with Nell Tiger Free.

9. The Mountain

The character of Mountain has been played by three different characters. Australian actor Conan Stevens played the role in Season 1. In Season 2 he was replaced by Welsh star Ian Whyte. And since Season 4, strongman Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson has portrayed The Mountain.


10. Selyse Baratheon

Sarah MacKeever served as a stand-in for the role of Queen Selyse Baratheon in the premiere episode of Season 2. In Season 3, Selyse was introduced as a named character, and was recast with Tara Fitzgerald in the role.

11. Tommen Baratheon

Callum Wharry portrayed Tommen Baratheon for Seasons 1 and 2. He was then replaced by Dean-Charles Chapman (who also played another character altogether, Martyn Lannister, way back in Season 3!) for Seasons 4–6.


Source – BuzzFeed