The stepping of a girl into her womanhood is marked by the beginning of menstrual cycle. And from the time of Eve the use of sanitary napkin of various forms has solely been for this purpose.
But the modern day sanitary napkin that resides in every woman’s purse was actually designed for men. Shocking, isn’t it?
Here is a fact that will help you processes it.
The use of menstrual pads has been dated as early as 10th century when woman often used strips of folded old cloth to catch their menstrual flow these were said to be menstrual rags.
But the use of disposable menstrual pads grew from a Ben Franklin invention that helped to stop the bleeding of wounded soldiers.
These bandages were made of wood pulp with high absorbent character and they were cheap enough to throw thus the nurses during the war in France started using these bandages for their menstrual bleed.
However in 21st century when on the rag female use sanitary napkins, tampons or menstrual cups which are made of mostly synthetic and bleach material.
The cellucotton of bandages finding new interest among females. Mostly the manufacturers of bandage were the first once to be inclined towards manufacturing of disposable pad.
Thus the first widely successful American disposal menstrual pad was commercially available in 1921, the Kotex.
But Kotex wasn’t the first disposable pad manufactured.
Here are some menstrual devices seen during 19th century:
1. Norwegian knitted pads, which would appear to be a knitted holder (They look like they would have something placed inside them) worn with a belt.
2. German Pad making instructions.
3. Folded terry cloth pad.
With this began a booming industry of menstrual devices a step towards woman hygiene.
This summons for the fact that such a feminine product as a sanitary napkin had its roots from the men.