The entire world has been affected by the novel Coronavirus outbreak. A lot of people who tested positive and are now sharing their experiences of going through the ordeal. 22-year-old Amy Shircel, a resident of Wisconsin, USA, also shared her story on Twitter. She started by saying that she tested positive and one of the main reasons for sharing this was, she hoped that it will stop other people from going out.
I’m 22 and I tested positive for COVID-19. Take it from me – you do NOT want to catch this
Hopefully hearing about my experience will help the rest of you to stay home (for real)
— Amy (@AmyShircel) March 28, 2020
She mentioned in the tweet that she had returned from a holiday in Europe, so she was able to get tested on the second day of the symptoms. Amy gave a day-by-day breakdown of the intensity of her symptoms.
First and second day
The first couple of days of symptoms were manageable. I had a fever, a mild cough, chills, headache, runny nose. Since I had been to Europe, they allowed me to get tested my second day of symptoms.
— Amy (@AmyShircel) March 28, 2020
Third day
By the third day, I couldn’t keep anything down. I was vomiting constantly. I couldn’t sleep, I obviously couldn’t eat. At this point, I still didn’t have my test results back.
— Amy (@AmyShircel) March 28, 2020
Fourth day
4th day: test back positive. I developed shortness of breath. It’s scary, it feels like your lungs are shallow and you can’t take a proper breath. I was weak, had a 102 degree fever and rising.
— Amy (@AmyShircel) March 28, 2020
Fifth day
5th day. Things got worse and worse. I had never been this ill in my entire life. I was genuinely afraid I would die, because that is what it felt like.
— Amy (@AmyShircel) March 28, 2020
Sixth day
By the 6th day of symptoms, I was so weak I couldn’t even walk. I crawled to the bathroom to vomit. I became so dehydrated I called 911, and they took me in an ambulance to the emergency room. I stayed there for a day where they rehydrated me and got me some anti nausea meds.
— Amy (@AmyShircel) March 28, 2020
Seventh to eleventh day
7th-11th day of symptoms: ER again. I had never been that weak or fatigued by fever in my life. I either violently shivered in bed all day, or would wake up in a literal puddle of my own sweat. I couldn’t eat for 9 days. I was completely miserable.
— Amy (@AmyShircel) March 28, 2020
Twelveth day
Right now I am on my 12th day of symptoms, and I have my appetite back, but the end is nowhere in sight. I still have all the major symptoms.
— Amy (@AmyShircel) March 28, 2020
You aren’t invincible just because you’re in your twenty’s
A coronavirus diagnosis is dehumanizing and lonely, and I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy. You aren’t invincible just because you’re in your 20s. Take it from me, and quarantine like your life depends on it (it might) 🤒
— Amy (@AmyShircel) March 28, 2020
A tip
Vote Bernie this election cycle!!! We need Medicare for All more than ever.
Oh and going to your boyfriend’s house is NOT part of quarantine.
— Amy (@AmyShircel) March 28, 2020
Amyl never anticipated receiving such a strong response from her tweets. She originally shared her experience over social media to alert her friends and followers to take the COVID-19 situation more seriously.