Facts about Golden Temple langar

Golden temple located in Amritsar, Punjab is a holy pilgrimage for Sikh community. Its door is open for everyone no matter what occupation and religion to worship God and have langar.

Talking about langar, everyone can have meal at Gurudwara. langar is served in many places all over India but the langar at Golden Temple is a special one. Here, Indians as well as foreigners visit to have it.


Lets have a look at some interesting facts about the langar at the Golden Temple:

1. The start of langar

Langar was started in 1481 when the first Sikh Guru Nanak Dev Ji committed to feed everyone. The temple still serves a hot meal to everyone who comes to the door irrespective of their religion and faith.

At Golden Temple langar was started by the fourth Sikh saint, Guru Ramdas, in 1577

Golden temple Langar
Showkat Shafi

2. Cooks starts the day with prayer

Cooks at the Golden Temple Langar, begin their day with prayer before they start preparing food for the people visiting langar.


Amazing facts about Golden Temple langar

3. Foods served in langar

The members of the kitchen never bother about the taste of the food because it is always tasty. One can have Dal, Rice, Chapati, Vegetable, Kheer as dessert in one thali.

Only vegetarian food is served there.

Foods Served in Golden Temple langar
Showkat Shafi

4. Role of volunteers in langar

It is a fact that people volunteer there to work in the kitchen, they make chapattis, wash plates and utensils, corridor, shoes etc. It is common people’s responsibility to keep the temple clean.

About Golden Temple Langar
Showkat Shafi

5. People from any community and faith can serve as volunteers

Status, caste, religion vanishes at langar and everyone is treated equally.


Guru Ka Langar - How Golden Temple Langar Works

6. Serves large number of people everyday

There is no limit while serving people as long as people do not waste food. On an average, they serve 50,000 people per day and on weekends, the number increases to 100,000.

number of people Served in Golden temple Langar Everyday
Showkat Shafi

7. Dining hall

The kitchen area has two dining halls that can accommodate 5000 people at a time. People sit on the mats and eat their food served by volunteers. Later, usher people out politely for another round of dining.

Serving people in Golden Temple langar - Langar dining hall

8. Clockwork efficiency of sewadars

Serving people continuously daily is not an easy task. There are 450 permanent workers (sewadars) along with volunteers who comprise 90% of the working staff.

One can volunteer for few hours, a day or as long as they want.

Volunteers in Golden Temple Langar - Facts About langar

9.  Kitchen of langar

There are two kitchen for food preparations. In both kitchens, food is prepared that includes 11 hotplates or tawa, burners, a machine for kneading a dough, and other useful utensils.


On normal days, sewadars make all the dishes.

Golden Temple Kitchen - How Food is prepared in Golden Temple Langar

10. The roti machine

Mostly on holidays and festivals, the roti making procedure takes it full speed and machine churns out 25000 rotis in one hour.

A Lebanon based devotee has donated this roti machine.

roti machine at Golden Temple

11. Everyday raw material

Feeding this huge number of people everyday, imagine the quantity of raw material. On an average basis, about 18 quintals of pulses, 50 quintals of wheat flour, 14 quintals of rice, and 7 quintals of milk are consumed everyday. Almost 100 gas cylinders and five thousand kilograms of fire wood is used every for preparing the meals at langar.

Most of the raw material is purchased with the money donated by the devotees.


raw material used at Golden Temple langar

12. Usage of large vats

Large vats are used for cooking purpose as the quantity of food being prepared is very large. Volunteers use long rods to stir bubbling vats of dal.

A single vats can store as much as 7 quintals of daal or kheer.

Preparing Daal for Langar at Golden Temple

13. Cleaning dining hall and utensils

At any temple, you can get cleanliness but the Golden temple is creating epitome. After people finish eating their food sevadars rush in to mop the floors. Another group of volunteers washes the plates.

Plates goes to five rounds of washing before being used again.

Plates cleaning at Golden Temple Langar - Unknown Facts about langar
Laszlo Bolgar

14. Tea is also served

Outside the langar, hot tea is also available which people pour themselves. You are free to take as many refills.


Preparation of Tea in Golden Temple Langar - Interesting Facts about Golden Temple Langar

15. Selflessness and kindness of volunteer

No one is rich or poor in this temple and it shows the selflessness and kindness of every volunteer. The langar is tastier when served with heart.

Things about Golden Temple Langar
Showkat Shafi

One cannot elaborate the langar of this great temple; you should visit there to experience it. Moreover, try to be a volunteer, the sewa will help you nullify your ego and finding peace.


Swati Maheshwari
Swati Maheshwari, a talented writer, brings a wealth of experience to the world of writing. She's great at creating different types of content and has worked in various industries. She is also skilled in using SEO techniques to make her writing more effective and visible to the right audience. Having worked with multiple companies, she is a seasoned writer who can handle different topics and industries, bringing valuable insights and interesting perspectives.