India is a fascinating country and much more enigma about it resides in its glorious past. Who would have known that there was an operational bus services from Kolkata to London back in 1968? Yes. You read it right.
World’s longest bus route operated from Kolkata to London during late 1960s and it ran around 15 trips between the Indian city and the capital of UK. The double-deckered bus called Albert was one hell of a luxury, going by the details that have surfaced recently.
The pictures of its passengers boarding the bus on its first trip to London were going viral on the social media recently. The picture also included details about the itinerary including the bus far which was 85 pounds at that time! It could convert into Rs. 7,889 which could have burnt a hole in our wallet given the year the bus service began.
How it started?
The bus was privately owned by Andy Stewart, a British Traveler who worked in Sydney. He brought this coach in 1968 and converted it in a lavish mobile home. He was planning to relocate to London after his retirement; he decided to take the journey by road. On October 8, 1968, he began his epic journey with 13 other passengers from GPO in Martin Place, Sydney to London in Albert. They travelled 16,000 kilometres in 132 days and reached London on February 1969. They even started a journey in the same year from London to Sydney.
The Albert Tour
The journey was famously known as The Albert Tour. It was an epitome of spirit of travelling, excitement and adventure. The bus took 15 Albert Tours between London to Kolkata and 4 between London to Sydney. The on-way fare of the bus between Kolkata and London was 85-145 pounds, due to which only royals could afford the trip. The fare included travel, accommodation and food.
Going by the schedule as shown in the image above, the journey started on July 25, 1972 from London and reached Kolkata by September 11, 1972. That makes the journey of 49 days in total.
The Albert Tour was announced and published well in advance so that people wishing to book their slots can plan accordingly. The trips numbered from 4 to 9 operated between London and Sydney while the trips between 12-15 operated between London and Kolkata.
On reaching India, the bus stopped at Delhi, Agra and Banaras for a little sight-seeing and excursion. The trip became widely famous worldwide for its adventure and oomph. It became a favourite among the royals who could afford the trip.
Facilities on the wheels
The Albert Tour was no short of luxuries, hence the fare. It was like a Palace on Wheels for the 1960s. The fare included all the royal amenities that were there on the bus. The lower deck of the bus had a reading and dining saloon while the upper deck had a lounge to rest and sleep. A wide assortment of cuisines was served on the bus. For added comfort, the bus even had heaters and fans for its passengers. The radio music was also there for entertainment of the travellers.
Albert crossed more than 150 border without any scrutiny or controversy. In fact, it was dubbed as the friendly ambassador to all countries. They were welcomed by every country with respect and delight. In the present times, we are just surprised to see how ‘open’ the world’s borders used to be back then. We wish the same amicable spirits to return now when the tensions are at peak on the borders.
Travel lovers these days could pay a fortune to embark on an adventurous journey like Albert Tour. Isn’t it?