Pics That Prove The Wind Has a Sense of Humor

Winds on their full verge create a great mess in surrounding making people annoyed, and on the other day, it makes us love the weather. But there are times when the wind doesn’t things that are cringe-worthy but at the same time hilarious too. Such hilarious actions that happened by wind were captured by some people for us.

Here we have a list of some of these funny moments created by the wind!

1. Umbrellas broke due to wind

Wind Has a Sense of Humor

2. Well, never wear short skirts when it’s windy

Wind Has a Sense of Humor

3. Paraglide lite!

Wind Has a Sense of Humor

4. Always be grounded

Wind Has a Sense of Humor

5. Flying trampoline

Wind Has a Sense of Humor

6. Looking like the students bribed the wind

Wind Has a Sense of Humor

7. No, baby! I wasn’t drunk

Wind Has a Sense of Humor

8. The wind didn’t like the lawn at all


9. Fluffed-up Pomeranian

Wind Has a Sense of Humor

10. When it’s windy and raining at the same time

Wind Has a Sense of Humor

11. Fountain did the same to the table what my life doing to me – ruining

Wind Has a Sense of Humor

12. I am born to fly high, dad

Wind Has a Sense of Humor

13. Even the pope got his face covered listening to your sins

Wind Has a Sense of Humor

14. Always wear your helmet

Wind Has a Sense of Humor

15. Just the wind being wind!

Wind Has a Sense of Humor

16. No one will be spared.


17. Pull that!


An interior designer turned into content writer, Shalini is an experienced Editor and Content Writer with a demonstrated history of working in the marketing and advertising industry. Skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Content Writing and Editing. Strong media and communication professional with an Interior Designer focused in Designing from Inifd. Experienced Content Writer with a demonstrated history of working in content writing and blogging for 6 years she has the ability to make an impact by writing statements that intensify the tone of a topic. She strive to find a way to weave words unconventionally while serving a meaningful result for the readers.