Imagine yourself skiing down a snow slope, surrounded by picturesque landscape. Did you like the image that just conjured up in your mind? If you want to enjoy steaming hot coffee, indulge in snowball fights and marvel at the wonders of nature – that too, without a visa! – Canada is the perfect place for you.

While a lot of people prefer to travel to countries with a warmer climate for winters, vacationing in a beautiful snow land has its own charm. Where tropical climate fails to provide a fun-filled vacation, the mesmerizing beauty of Canada comes in to save the day. Scroll down to read top 3 reasons to plan a winter vacation to Canada.


1. Canada eTA Visa

Before we move on to the fun part of vacationing, let’s deal with all the technicalities first. While traveling is fun, no one likes the long and boring process of getting a visa. But what if we tell you that you don’t need a visa to go on your dream vacation to Canada? Sounds amazing, right?

Thanks to the Canadian Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA), you can enjoy a mesmerizing winter vacation without having to worry about the long visa process or the visa fee. If you are a citizen of any of the Canada eTA eligible countries or holds a green card (USA), all you need this winter is Canada eTA!

List of Canada eta Eligible Countries

Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Brunei, British citizens, British citizens of overseas territories 1, 2, Korea Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Solomon Islands, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Cyprus, Monaco, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Permanent Residents of USA, Samoa, San Marino, Singapore, Sweden, and Switzerland.



2. Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is one of the major tourist attractions in the USA. However, what most people don’t know is that it is actually the Canadian side of the Niagara Falls that steals the show. Even if you have visited Niagara Falls in the USA, you still don’t want to miss the immense beauty that lies in Ontario, Canada. You can indulge in an adventurous jet boat ride near the falls or book a helicopter ride to appreciate the excruciatingly beautiful aerial view.

Niagra Falls canada

3. The Northern Light

Everyone who loves traveling and indulges in reading traveling blogs on postoast has this one thing on their bucket list – to see the northern lights! It is an absolutely surreal experience to see the sky as it showcases a dreamlike swatch of colors, right in front of your eyes! Unfortunately, only a handful of places around the globe experience this mystical phenomenon. Luckily, Canada is one of them! In Canada, you can see the northern lights at Whitehorse in Yukon, Fort McMurray in Alberta, Mucho Lake Provincial Park in BC and at Yellowknife.

Smithsonian Magazine

So, are you ready to travel to Canada to lose yourself in the wonders that this beautiful winter land has to offer?