Rahul Dravid- Does he need an introduction? No! The wall, Mr. Dependable- these are names he has been given, so now you can understand what persona he would be. Even after being such a famous cricketer, he carries an extremely sweet behavior off-field.
He is one of those players, who was respected by each of the players and the captain that was respected by everyone. He was the most reliable leader and a very compassionate player of team India. But little did he know, he will fall in love with a doctor, who has no link with cricket.
Let’s have a peek into Rahul Dravid’s love life!
The adorable couple
Vijeta Pendharkars was born in 1976. Her dad was an officer in the Indian Air Force (Wing Commander), and her mother was a dietician. She was the youngest of the three siblings. Because of her dad’s job nature, they had to move a lot from one city to another. But, after his retirement, they settled in Nagpur where Vijeta completed her studies and obtained her degree in medicine.
Both the families- Dravid’s and Pendharkars have been knowing each other for more than 35 years. Vijeta’s dad was posted in Bangalore from 1968-1971, that’s the time when both the families met each other and grew close. Rahul and Vijeta also met during that time, and Vijeta’s friends also said that Rahul had a liking for her and that’s why whenever they used to visit Nagpur, he would make sure that he met her.
The families very soon realized what the kids wanted, and took no time to fix their marriage. So, basically, it was a love marriage which was fixed by the families.
Also read: 15 Times Rahul Dravid Proved That He Is A Gentleman To The Core
The spotlight
Though Rahul Dravid was used to the spotlight, Vijeta was not used to it. She has never been a part of the game and didn’t have much idea about it. When the media came to know about their marriage, they started digging more into Vijeta’s life which kind of scared her and her family.
Vijeta has always lived a simple life, and not being used to all the attention she had to get used to it if she was going to marry Rahul.
Concerned Vijeta’s mother, Jayshree once said in the interview,
“We don’t want to gain too much publicity. I am not sure Rahul’s family, especially Vijeta’s mother-in-law, would approve.”
Their private wedding ceremony
Their parents soon started fixing their wedding dates around 2002, but since the world cup was due in the year 2003, and Rahul needed to practice, they thought to fix the date once Rahul is back from the game, but the duo got engaged before Rahul left for the game. Rahul’s to be wife, Vijeta even visited South Africa to watch the game, but the couple decided to keep it private and not make it public. Once they were back in India, their parents started fixing a date for their marriage and it was decided that the wedding would take place in Bangalore, Dravid’s hometown.
The couple tied the knot on 4th May 2003. The ceremony took place in the Border Security Force (BSF) Training Center, which is located on the outskirts of the city. The ceremony started at 9:30 in the morning and continued for 6 hours, which included all Maharashtrian customs. The groom and the bride were seen in the traditional Maharashtrian attire. And it was purely a no-media scene, since Rahul had requested the media earlier itself to provide him with privacy. And that’s why there were no photos made public of their wedding. The guests were accommodated in the BSF training center itself, where they occupied 70 rooms.
No media personnel was allowed inside the venue, so whatever information was reaching to the media was from the insiders. The arrangements were so strict that the guests who came were not allowed to leave until all the functions were over. From the sources, information came that only two of Dravid’s close friends were invited to the wedding who was Anil Kumble and Venkatesh Prasad.
The ceremony got over at 3 and all the guests were taken to a 5-star hotel followed by lunch, and then the reception. At the reception, the couple appeared at the main doors for media shutterbugs only for 10 mins. Rahul thanked all the media to help him maintain his privacy, while Vijeta didn’t speak a single word. The reception was organized especially for his friends and cricket team-mates.
The families were happy and Jayshree mentioned,
“Rahul is a thorough gentleman. Who wouldn’t want to have him as his son-in-law?.”
Love that remains stronger than ever
The pair is made for each other, they were blessed with their son in 2005 and named him Samit. Their second son Anvay was born in 2009. They are a happy family who can be seen traveling in economy class in ordinary days living a life of extraordinary peoples.
In an exclusive interview Vijeta shared Rahul’s passion for his game.
“If I packed only two sets of informal clothes, he would rotate them through an entire tour if he had to and not think about it. He doesn’t care for gadgets, and barely registers brands – of watches, cologne or cars. But if the weight of his bat was off by a gram, he would notice it in an instant and get the problem fixed.”
We wish them all the happiness and good luck in the world.