
Everyone’s been to a boring party before, and it’s a nightmare. But it should be a relief for you to learn that there are several ways you can pass the time when you’re stuck at a party you don’t want to be at. So, the next time you’re in this situation, make sure to try the following five hacks that are sure to save you from boredom, whether you’re at a friend’s house party or a busy bar.

1. Play games on your smartphone

One of the most effective ways to pass the time at a boring party is to play games on your smartphone. This is great because you will always have your phone handy on you. Simply slip it out of your pocket and find a quiet corner. It doesn’t matter if you’re an iPhone or Android owner; what matters is that you have all your favourite games downloaded or bookmarked in your web browser so that you can access them instantly.


Play games on your smartphone

2. Start conversations with strangers

At the party, you likely won’t know everyone who is there. This is great, as it means you have the opportunity to strike up some conversations with strangers. You might even make a new best friend for life. But first, though, you need to have the confidence to approach people. Don’t worry: as long as you’re polite and relaxed, people will be happy to talk to you.

Start conversations with strangers

3. Go outside for breaks

It’s normal to go for breaks when you’re at a party. Most people go outside to get fresh air, so you should do this whenever you need to. Also, this is a great way to temporarily get away from any noise and crowds inside. You might find it is the perfect spot to play games on your smartphone when you are away from the hustle and bustle.


4. Browse social media

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are excellent boredom killers – especially at parties. You can browse your feeds and check out different profiles whenever you want some light-hearted entertainment. In fact, you could even post selfies and videos of the party to your profiles or stories. After all, most other people will be doing that, too. Here are some amazing tips on how to take great selfies.

Browse social media

5. Plan your schedule for the next day

If you’re a busy person, you should use the party as an opportunity to plan your schedule for the next day. For example, you might want to plan what time you’re going to do your work; or which clients you need to speak to over the phone – you get the idea. You can plan everything in the notes app on your smartphone. In addition to this, you could organize and declutter your emails if you want to be extra efficient.


Plan your schedule for the next day


The next time you’re at a really boring party, make sure to use the five hacks listed above. Each one of them is great for passing the time and giving yourself some short-term entertainment. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends on social media.