Gaming Trends

Video games are more widespread now than ever, and this is great news to fans of the medium, as it means more games and more money being put into making sure those games are as good as they can be for their audiences. However, with the size of the industry growing to the size that it’s currently at, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and miss out on genres or titles simply because you don’t have the time or were unaware of them completely.

However, while focusing on what you enjoy is a good way to lead yourself to experiences you know you’ll be pleased with, it limits your overall library and stops you from getting into things that you might otherwise love. Besides, it never hurts to jump out of your comfort zone.


Online Casinos

The gaming world, in general, can often be split into a couple of different mediums to start with. You have the console and PC side of things which might be the home for most blockbuster titles and the most famous way to play games, but you also have the mobile market. Smartphones are a much more popular home for video games than you might expect, and while you might be familiar with a couple of famous examples, it might surprise you to learn of the sheer number of different titles available on such a device.

Beyond this, however, you might be interested specifically in online casinos, which can emulate the experience of playing games that you might be familiar with through the physical world. Looking for a crypto live dealer can even go so far as to combine this concept with that of cryptocurrency if that interests you.

Gaming Trend

Souls-Like Games

With the massive critical and commercial success of Elden Ring, combined with the fame of the original Dark Souls, the attention of the games industry has turned towards the series and the multiple titles that other companies have made in an effort to emulate aspects of what made the series great. Some of these have been fantastically successful in carving out their own identity, such as the indie title Hollow Knight.

However, if you’re on the outside looking in, it might be hard to see what the fuss is about, especially if the level of challenge isn’t something that appeals to you. It might be best to throw yourself into one and see if giving it a fair chance can open your eyes to what people love about them so much.



The aforementioned Hollow Knight is a game that takes a lot of aspects from the Souls series, but it’s also heavily inspired by the Castlevania and Metroid series, often combined into the term ‘Metroidvania’. This subgenre of games has made something of a comeback in recent years, perhaps most noticeably within the indie scene. It’s not difficult to see the appeal of these due to the way in which the developer can create interconnected environments and tight-level design, but it’s hard to appreciate the true depth of these without playing them for yourself.

Gaming Trends