Benefits of Amla

Have you been guilt fed/ force fed weird concoctions recently by your mothers in the name of immunity? Is it becoming tedious to discern the facts from the myths with natural immune boosters? Worrisome as it may be this year’s pandemic has shed new lights on the importance of Healthy mind and body. As we gear up to adapt to the ‘new normal’ of the 21st century, covid pandemic, the need of the hour is to try and understand the benefits of naturally occurring immune boosters like our very own childhood favourite Amla, the Indian gooseberry.

Before diving into the tantalizing fantasy of pickled Amla, lets decipher what immunity stands for and how immune boosters work.


Amla Immune Booster

Immunity is a well oiled functioning of your immune system, yes a system and not a single unit which is an important distinction for here lies the secret, it is an overall well balanced harmony of your body called the Homeostasis. So in order to survive in this pandemic we need to consider a holistic approach of healthy-living strategies such as these:

  • Don’t smoke.
  • Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently and cooking meats thoroughly.
  • Try to minimize stress.
Living a Healthy Lifestyle

‘Prevention is better than cure’ our hearts are engraved with this anthem as we set out into the world after lockdown and this being more true than ever with vaccination far from public reach there are small steps one can take and one of them being, making Amla part of our everyday diet. Yes the same Amla whose sweet aroma of murabba and the packaged jar of jam we all like and cherish the fruit in the way of ingesting it with just some salt.

Amla also called Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica Linn/ Emblica officinalis Gaertn) is one of the extensively used plant in Indian traditional systems of medicine (Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha). This potent rejuvenator (rasayana) contains the highest concentration of vitamin-C (Ascorbic acid) whose levels are more than those in oranges, tangerines and lemons(2). Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient which cannot be synthesized by humans and thus need to be provided through the diet. Vitamin C contributes to defence system of the body by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system and thus deficiency of this results in impaired immunity and higher susceptibility to infections.

Amla tree

Amla fruit pulp composition

  • Vitamin C – 6mg/g
    478.56mg/100mL (fruit juice)
    To cover general requirements a diet that supplies 100–200 mg/day of vitamin C provides adequate to saturating plasma concentrations in healthy individuals.
  • Nicotinic acid – 0.2µg/g
  • Iron – 12µg/g
  • Phosphorous – 0.02%
  • Calcium – 0.05%
  • Carbohydrate – 14.1 %
  • Protein – 0.5%
  • Fat – 0.1%
  • Fibre – 3.4%
  • Mineral matter – 0.7%
  • Moisture – 81.2%
Amla health Benefits

Benefits of Amla and its pharmacological activities

1. Antioxidant- Free radical scavenger


2. Cardio protective- The combined anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombosis, anti-coagulant (non clotting of the blood in part of the circulatory system), and anti-platelet activities of amla make it attractive target for the prevention of a variety of vascular disorders

3. Immuno modulatory- Enhancing Natural Killer (NK) cell activity

4. Anti-diabetic- Hypoglycemic and antioxidants effects

5. Anti-microbial- Antibacterial activity by hindering adherence


6. Anti-viral- Via two mechanisms: prevention of virus adsorption and suppression of virus release.

Benefits of Amla

Along with the above properties of this wonder fruit, Amla in comparison with apple, the edible fruit tissue is rich with proteins 3-fold and ascorbic acid160-fold and contains considerably higher concentration of most minerals and amino acids. Well future doesn’t seem forlorn now if we keep in mind that prevention in terms of social distancing, following hygiene and an Amla a day can keep the doctor away!


Sushravya Shetty
A BE graduate from DSCE, Bangalore, Sushravya's writing has evolved from recreational to explorative. Now her passion has turned to professional identity. She has been freelancing as a Content writer and editor (reviewer) for two years. Being an avid reader and harbouring a curious mind, she often engages herself with books, online articles, and journal publications. Her penmanship is grounded on extensive research optimized for search engines, the clarity of the subject matter and a personal flair for metaphors. Her interest lies in travel blogging, fashion/ lifestyle and various healthcare sectors.