Since its debut, the reality series “Shark Tank India,” which is based on its American version, has captivated viewers nationwide. Its popularity can be attributed to both its captivating structure and the outstanding cast of well-known businesspeople. These people acted as the show’s major draw in the first two seasons as sharks or the show’s judges.
These well-known faces not only attracted a large and devoted fan base but also developed into a rich meme-inspiration source. It helps the show further integrate into the social media meme culture and eventually become every generation’s favorite.
Despite huge changes since its first season, “Shark Tank India” was able to hold a significant place in the media. Notably, after the first season, Ashneer Grover, a co-founder of BharatPe, left the program. However, the inclusion of two additional sharks has created new dynamics and infused new life into the program. Nevertheless, certain elements of the program are still the same. Debates and choices are still making noise on the show bringing back memories from earlier seasons.
Similarly, a new teaser for the newest episode of Season 3 features a reoccurring dynamic between Aman Gupta and Anupam Mittal, in which the two sharks get into a furious argument.
The teaser for the next episode suggests that Aman Gupta and Anupam Mittal will be having a heated debate at a difficult moment. The conflict arises as one of the sharks bombards the entrepreneurs with back-to-back questions, sparking a contentious exchange.
The pitch of a beauty brand led to a heated exchange between Aman Gupta and Anupam Mittal
In a recent episode of “Shark Tank India,” the company “Conscious Chemist” came under the spotlight. The company operates in the cosmetics industry and challenges the idea that “all chemicals are bad.”
After a series of insightful business inquiries, Aman Gupta dug further into the details as the entrepreneurs started explaining the need for their brand. Though the sharks expressed unanimity in their appreciation for the food and its attractive packaging, they had reservations about the brand’s promotional tactics.
On the other hand, Aman was intrigued by the possibilities but nervous about the marketing strategy. However, when Aman Gupta, the boAt founder, attempted to offer insights, the conversation took an intriguing turn. It all happened when Anupam Mittal interjected, suggesting that Aman cease posing ‘rhetorical questions.’
Aman, who was not one to back down, finds this annoying and advises him to talk “in Hindi.” He also stressed,
I don’t know what rhetorical means.
It further infuriated Anupam and the conversation intensified. As it happened, it also grabbed the interest of the audience as well as the businesspeople. The minute-long dispute reflected the divergent viewpoints of Aman and Anupam.
After much debate, the sharks decided not to invest in the “Conscious Chemist” brand, even though they genuinely believed in the product. Unexpectedly, every shark—Vineeta Singh, Amit Jain, and Namita Thapar, among others—refused to invest in the company, demonstrating the importance they place on marketing plans.
Here is the video