Home Lifestyle 7 Weirdest Rules The British Royal Family Has To Follow
Weird Rules British Royal Family Follow

7 Weirdest Rules The British Royal Family Has To Follow

Published: Updated: 4 minutes read

The sudden demise of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8, 2022, shocked the world as she was the Queen of the United Kingdom and the longest-serving monarch. But have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a king or a queen in the British Castle? We all know that the royal family has to abide by strict rules and regulations that they have to follow in the castle or out in the public. Among them, there are some weird rules that the British royal family follows and you will be shocked to know about them.

Here are some of the weirdest rules you have to follow if you are a part of the British royal family:


1. The Queen and the Princes have to carry a blood bag while traveling

If you are the Queen, Prince Charles, or Prince William and you are about to go on your royal trip, you have to carry a bag full of your own blood. Blood? Yes, you heard it right! This ensures that the line of succession will be protected in case something bad happens in the country you visit. It’s all about the royal blood.

2. The royals have to pack an all-black outfit

This rule started when Queen Elizabeth’s father died in 1952, while she was in Kenya with Prince Philip. To make sure she was dressed respectfully when she came back, the Queen had to wait for a black dress inside the plane to be delivered. Since then, royals have had to pack an all-black outfit to be ready in case of the worst.

The royals have to pack an all-black outfit



3. Ravens, the Guardians of the Tower of London

If you happen to visit the Tower of London, you will see the famous ravens, also known as the Guardians of the Tower.

A long time ago, King Charles II said that the Tower is to be protected by ravens, or else the Crown and the Tower would fall. And this rule still exists today. The palace needs exactly six ravens to guard it. And now there’s even one extra one flying around.

And guess what? The ravens live like royals, too. There is a raven master who feeds them a special diet, such as biscuits soaked in blood. Weird, isn’t it?

Ravens, the Guardians of the Tower of London



4. Waking up to the sound of the weirdest sounding alarm clock

As if the above-mentioned rules haven’t been weird already, you cannot miss this one. One man at Buckingham Palace has the job to play the bagpipes for the Queen at 09:00 a.m. every day.

The Queen can request the Piper to play whenever she wants, be it at the dinner table, in state banquets, or when you visit other castles.

5. Prince Charles’s weird morning routine

Prince Charles sits on his bed, waiting for these rules to be followed. This morning routine was revealed by Princess Diana’s former butler. The Prince needs ironed shoelaces, pressed pajamas, a perfectly positioned bath plug, correct water temperature, and exactly an inch of toothpaste already squeezed onto his toothbrush. This revelation earned Prince Charles the title of Pampered Prince.




6. Speaking of weird dress codes

A crazy rule of the royal family is that royal boys cannot wear full pants until they turn eight years old. You will only see little Prince George wearing shorts in photos because trousers are traditionally considered just for older boys, men, and middle-class kids. He broke the rule only one time during Harry and Meghan’s wedding when he was seen wearing trousers.

7. The weird and strict dining rules of the royal family

It can be said that the strictest dinner rules in the world are followed by the British royal family. If you are a British royal, you must enter the dining room in order of who will next take the throne, the Queen decides what everyone will eat for that night. So, the dinner used to be decided by the former Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.

Nothing with garlic and usually no pasta and shellfish can be included in the dinner. One has to know the specific ways of folding their napkin, holding their spoon and fork, and drinking their cup of tea. If there is fruit, it is supposed to be eaten with silverware. When the Queen takes her last bite, one must stop eating. And when Her Majesty puts her bag on the table, that means dinner is over.

Queen Elizabeth at dinner table



This and all the other rules are the everyday life of the British royal family. Now, after getting to know about these strict rules would you still want to be a part of the royal family? or just be the king or queen of your own house, where you can wear your pants and eat your dinner however you want.

Also read: 8 Weird Royal Habits Of King Charles You’ll Be Surprised To Know


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