Money, it is said, cannot purchase happiness… But, there are some kinds of happiness that can only be purchased with money, and achieving them is merely a pipe dream for the average person. This is a wonderful fit for Dubai, one of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) seven emirates, whose princely lifestyle will astound you.
Dubai’s economy is expanding at a rapid rate. Many of the world’s wealthiest people reside in this nation. Per new research by New World Wealth, Dubai is home to even more than 52,000 millionaires and 2,430 multi-millionaires, each with a property portfolio worth $10 million or even more.
High-rise structures kissing the clouds are prevalent in Dubai’s developed nation, but you’ll also find a lot of unusual and startling things, as well as views that we wouldn’t expect to see anywhere else in the globe.
Let’s see how luxurious is the life of people in Dubai:
1. The police have high-end vehicles
In general, sports automobiles such as Bugatti and Ferrari are exclusively available to the wealthy in any country. However, Dubai is a place where the cops drive high-end vehicles such as Bugatti and Ferrari.
In fact, the Dubai government has provided this pricey racing automobile to the police in order for them to be able to prevent crimes from occurring and apprehend criminals once they run. In Dubai, police officers frequently commute in these high-end vehicles.
2. Lions and cheetahs are kept as pets
Other countries or cities, notably India, keep dogs, cats, cows, buffaloes, and other birds as pets, but Dubai is known as the land of sheikhs. As a result, the sheikhs that live here choose to maintain deadly creatures as pets, such as lions and cheetahs.
3. An ATM Machine for gold transactions
You would have used an ATM machine before, which allows us to obtain money in cash. However, Dubai is the only place where, in addition to withdrawing the money, ATM machines can also be used to purchase gold.
4. Helicopters can be used as Taxis
Dubai, like other well-known cities throughout the world, has the high population density, which causes traffic bottlenecks on the highways. When a person is caught in traffic in this situation, he can charter a helicopter to help him.
In Dubai, the Helicopter Taxi app is quite popular, as it transports individuals caught in congestion in the air with their automobiles. People that use this service arrive at their destination without getting delayed in gridlock, which is a very innovative technique.
5. Resort with indoor skiing
Dubai is regarded as a hot city with few natural features such as rivers, lakes, or snow. Despite this, the genuine penguin, which is generally located in snowy places, may still be seen in Dubai.
In fact, in Dubai, has an indoor ski resort with a lot of snow and boulders. This artificial ski resort also has penguins, giving Dubai residents the sense of being in a wintry environment.
6. Luxurious Horse Stables
Stables are generally hut-shaped and designed for horses. Horses in Dubai, on the other hand, are kept in extremely opulent conditions, necessitating the construction of opulent stables. The stables’ walls are made of gold, and the floor is built of marble.
7. Tennis match under the cloudy sky
The world’s tallest structure, the Burj Kharifa, is located in Dubai and is 830 metres in length. There are beautiful hotels and apartments in this structure, as well as sports fields for numerous activities. People can enjoy a tennis match between skies at Burj Khalifa in such a setting.
8. Taxis in luxury cars
When you hire a cab in another location, a regular model vehicle is typically placed in front of your apartment; however, when you book a cab with Uber in Dubai, super-cars will be positioned somewhere outside your doorway.
9. Falcon is lavished with attention
The Falcon is the national bird of the United Arab Emirates, and it receives particular care throughout the kingdom, notably in Dubai. This bird can accompany you on the aircraft, but a dedicated ticket must be reserved.
10. Dubai’s jeep excursions are one-of-a-kind
People who live in Dubai are highly likely to witness a Siamese Jeep on the road, which is normally built by joining two jeeps altogether. This jeep is twice the dimensions of a regular jeep, allowing all generations of a large family to ride simultaneously.
Also read: Everything About Museum Of The Future Dubai, The Most Beautiful Building On Earth