If there is an omnipresent entity today, it has to be data. Our daily lives are dictated by it, and one technology giant is at the forefront of the digital world – Google. It is much more than just a search engine currently. It has transformed into a platform for entertainment, communication, cloud computing, information, AI, online marketing, etc. The list goes on. Google is everywhere, and the good part is, so are opportunities.

The world is digital, and the pandemic has only stressed how important digitalisation is. As work from home becomes the new reality, we must evolve and learn skills that can virtually enable and shape careers. Google certification courses teach you how to navigate and become an expert at the services that they offer. These skills equip you to land a career either with Google or with companies that use Google’s platforms and services. A Google certification course adds value to your resume and increases your chances of getting hired in most-sought-after jobs or scaling up in your current workplace.


Employment opportunities

A Google certification can help your CV stand out and connects you with top employers directly. You qualify for diverse job roles such as Data Analyst, Project Manager, IT Specialist, UX Designer and others, across various fields with high average annual salaries. Your course also gives you access to resources that facilitate your job search and interview preparation.


Most popular courses don’t require any prior experience. The fundamental courses are open to learners from all tiers (preferably an undergraduate course). However, the advanced courses require you to have a background in the subject or complete a basic Google certified course.

Course structure

The courses are entirely online and designed to suit your needs and learning pace. Durations range from a couple of hours (for basic courses) to 3-6 months for more in-depth courses. You can enroll into beginner-level courses for free.

Certified courses require you to take an exam. The training program offers everything you need to prepare for the exam with an overview of what to expect and modules to review core topics.


Popular Google certification courses

Without further ado, here are the top Google certifications to look forward to in 2021:

1. Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

Type: Free
Level: Beginner
Duration: 40 hours (self-paced)

It is a free, comprehensive course that teaches you how to collect and analyse user data, grow your brand, create an online store, get more out of SEO/SEM initiatives and much more. It contains 26 modules with quizzes and exercises to test your progress. You receive a Google certification upon passing the exam at the end of the course.

2. Google Ads Certification

Type: Paid
Level: Beginner
Duration: 21 hours

This course assesses you on six categories. It teaches how to extract more out of display ads, create search campaigns, measure campaign metrics, optimise results from YouTube, create app campaigns and use the Shopping service to connect buyers with your product. You get a certificate for each category that you complete.


3. Google IT Support Professional Certificate

Type: Paid
Level: Beginner
Duration: 3-6 months

This course contains five modules that prepare you for entry-level roles in IT support. It covers troubleshooting, customer service, networking, operating systems, system administration and security.

4. Android & Web Developers Training

Type: Free and Paid (depending on the course)
Level: Beginner and Advanced
Duration: Self-paced

It is an umbrella course covering many subjects that teach you to create Android and web apps. As you progress, you can explore advanced and expert level courses. After completing the programs, take the Google Developers Certification exam and add it to your resume.


5. Google Analytics Academy

Type: Free
Level: Beginner and Advanced
Duration: Self-paced

Google designed this course to provide you with the skills required to collect, analyse, and use data to make informed decisions and shape your business strategy. The course is for beginners as well as experts. It also explores tools such as Data Studio and Google Tag Manager. Get certified after taking an exam at the end of the course.

6. Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure

Type: Paid
Level: Intermediate
Duration: One week

This google cloud certification course covers the fundamental and crucial concepts and terminologies required for working with Google Cloud Platform. It provides a thorough understanding of many of the computing and storage services available in Google Cloud Platform.



Google SEO certification courses provide the perfect launchpad as you seek to create a career or establish a business in the ever-changing digital landscape. It connects you with top employers and a network of certificate holders, gives you the tools to understand and leverage data better, and helps you refresh your skills with regular curriculum updates. A Google certification can help you build a powerful resume in a world where many businesses are gradually adopting Google’s infrastructure.