The urban dictionary, as the name suggests comes up with interesting and weirdest meanings of the authentic Indian names. Isn’t it kind of fun to know about the urban meaning of your names? Of course, it is! We often search for the meanings out of curiosity.
So, here we have the urban dictionary meanings of a few common Indian names, read on to check if your and your friend’s names are listed or not, and have a good laugh about it.
1. All about talks!
2. Can be used as a BJ code word
3. Aditya has some skills!
4. Any Anjalis out there?
5. The Gansta indeed
6. What a miser!
7. Master of self-help
8. Thinks he/she is the best
9. A Nut Case
10. The sociopath
11. One-word description
12. The queen!
13. Another queen bee
14. Satan?
15. Attention grabber
16. Another sociopath
17. The chocolate boy
18. The sought-after man
19. Non-violence is not an option
20. The naughty one!
21. The sadist
22. The weirdo
23. The cute one
24. The evil one