Signs That He Likes You

People say that women’s minds are nothing but a puzzle, but men’s minds are just as confusing. You can never really tell what’s going on in their minds. “Is he sweet because he did something wrong?” “Does he just say he misses me because he enjoys my company?” And most importantly, “Is he secretly in love with me?

Tiptoeing around a relationship is never a pleasant feeling. You keep on trying to get some hints from his behavior. You put your own meaning to his words. You wonder what’s the real deal. If this is your constant situation, then there’s a huge chance that there might really be a problem.


Signs He Is Secretly In Love
Think aloud

Here’s the brutal truth about men falling in love:

If he really wants you, he will make you feel exactly that. You will never have to wonder because the “signs” are everywhere. There is no chasing and definitely no guessing.

Before anything else, it is important to note that this article does not aim to give you false hopes. I would like to talk about things that men do when they are in love and the things a healthy relationship usually has. This is to avoid the temptation of just cherry-picking one or two gestures and claiming it as proof that a man is in love with you.

Instead of counting the signs and ranking them, try to look at the bigger picture of what relationships should be all about.


Part of Each Other’s World

When a man includes you in his world, it means that he has let you in. He will let you know how his life usually goes. May it be sports, politics or literature, he will tell you what he is interested in. He will let you accompany him to events that matter to him. You are also a part of his decision-making.

Moreover, he will also demand that you let him in your world. This is a strong proof that he is very much interested and is serious about you. He will want to know what you are up to. He will also appreciate if you consult him with things that are important to you. He will want the both of you to work as a single unit with respect to both of your privacy.

If you feel like a man does not care about you and your interests, or constantly denies you the opportunity of being a part of his world, it is a clear-cut sign that there is no future in your relationship.

Couples in love
Taylor Elaine Photography

Open Communication

You have heard this before and I will say it again, open communication is very important in a relationship. Without it, your relationship can never flourish. Couples who can openly express their feelings have already reached a certain level of comfortability – an essential part of creating a genuine connection.

When a man is in love with you, he will always make it to a point to listen to what you have to say. He will make you feel that he is a safe place to pour your emotions into. He respects your opinions and values your honesty. In return, he also tries to be as honest as he can with you. This is because he does not want the both of you to hide anything that might jeopardize your relationship.

Couples open communication


When a man is in love with you, it should be obvious. With the way he talks, the way he treats you or the way he shows up, you should be able to feel that he acts upon his feelings. It can go from a simple gesture to a grand one. Whatever it is, his actions will determine how much he is into the relationship.


Be careful not to be too demanding though. Do not compare his efforts to what you hear from your friends or from the movies you watch. While the frequency of texts or calls can be a factor, it should never be a sole basis of his sincerity. Gift-giving is not a good gauge as well. When I say efforts, it can simply mean being present during your hard times, or making you feel special in his own ways.

Make her feel special
Think aloud


The last one would be consistency. While sparks can flicker once in a while, he should be consistent with how he treats you. Butterflies can be long gone but you should still be able to feel that he cares for you. You should not be left wondering if he still feels the same, because he will constantly remind you that he loves you. His consistency might be tested by different circumstances like work and time, but a man who really wants to pursue you will always pull through.

If you are in a relationship now and you feel that your man exhibits these four things, then you can be confident that he is really into you. Things like effort and consistency are hard to fake and are only done by those who are thinking of settling for a long-term relationship.

If you are a woman who feels like their man constantly shuts them off or is only around during fun times, then it is high time to reconsider. The worst thing that you can do to yourself is to fix a relationship that you know will never work. Find a man who is compatible with you and fight for a relationship that you know is worth it. Always be careful on who you invest your time to.


He is in love with you