When you have a lot of financial burdens on your shoulder, life can get tough, but who says it cannot get easier when you have a sizeable savings fund to depend on? Even though a savings fund can come as a knight in shining armor for all your financial struggles, creating a sizeable savings fund is not a piece of cake. It requires healthy savings habits and strong financial discipline, which might be difficult to develop given that many variables and unforeseen circumstances can affect your saving habits.
This is where Fixed Deposit comes in to make your work easier. We will be telling you about fixed deposits and an FD interest calculator, which you should be using, in this article.
What is a Fixed Deposit?
A fixed deposit is a savings scheme to help individuals develop healthy habits. The scheme, offered by numerous banks and financial deposits, invites a one-time deposit. This lump-sum deposit earns interest every year. Further, this interest earns another interest, known as compound interest, which helps the individual’s deposit grow faster.
The tenure of fixed deposits can range from 7 days to 10 years. Withdrawals can only be made on maturity. However, in emergencies, banks allow premature withdrawals but with a penalty, depending on the bank.
A fixed deposit is a risk-free savings cum investment option that can help you easily meet your savings goal. As many of your financial decisions depend on fixed deposits, you can use an FD interest calculator to make decision-making easier. Here is how.
How an FD Interest Calculator can Help you Make Better Financial Decisions
An FD interest calculator is an online tool that estimates the maturity amount you will be accumulating at the end of the tenure. The maturity amount would include the principal investment, yearly interest, and compound interest.
A clear idea of the maturity amount you will receive can help you make numerous financial decisions.
- You Can Ascertain How Much You Have to Save More:
Investing in a fixed deposit doesn’t eliminate the need to have a standard savings fund, especially if you want to live a comfortable financial life. Keeping all your financial requirements of the present and the future in mind can help you determine your ideal savings fund amount. In addition, knowing the maturity amount can help you calculate the amount you have to save more to meet your ideal savings goals.
- You Can Make Purchase Decisions Easily:
Have a car to purchase or your child’s education to fund? You can know if it would be a financially wise choice with the help of an FD interest calculator. As established before, an FD interest calculator gives you an estimate of your maturity amount; you can know if purchasing a car or any other purchasing decision won’t sabotage or impact your savings negatively.
- An FD Interest Calculator Can Help You Diversify your Portfolio:
A fixed deposit scheme offers guaranteed returns according to the interest rate determined at the start of the tenure. Hence, making fixed deposits a safe investment instrument. If you are an investor with numerous high-risk financial assets in your portfolio, investing in a fixed deposit can diversify your portfolio and offer you some sort
of investment security.
With an FD interest calculator, you can determine the amount you can invest to earn your ideal returns.
Now that you know how an FD interest calculator can help you make better financial decisions let’s discuss how you can use the online tool.
- First, you must start by finding the right FD interest calculator tool. It is widely available online.
- Once you select the FD interest calculator, you must enter basic details such as investment amount, investment tenure and the rate of interest offered to you.
- Some FD interest calculators might also require you to enter personal details such as your name and contact details.
- Once all these details are entered, hit “calculate”.
Final thoughts
A fixed deposit scheme can be the go-to savings scheme if your goal is to generate wealth while having some sort of investment security. Hence, it is ideal for you if you consider yourself a risk- conservative investor. You can also use an FD interest calculator for your financial planning. It can estimate the maturity amount or the returns you will earn on your deposit.