Aqib Muhammed

A famous quote says, “There’s a problem with the word ‘social’. Social is not just Twitter, FB, etc. Social is a language.” Aqib, the social media enthusiast, is a true believer in this quote.

We’ve all been influenced by marketing campaigns that happen over the internet, knowingly or unknowingly. From the KFC’s Currycature to Dabur Vatika’s Brave and Beautiful, we have fallen in love with campaigns from big to small brands, which have ultimately also impacted our buying decisions.


However, have we ever thought about who executes these campaigns or how they function? The answers to these kinds of questions around digital campaigning, end with one name, Aqib Muhammed (who is also popularly known as Oddboii).

Aqib Muhammed

His (digital) wings are spread pan India with one of his biggest tools being Facebook. He controls over 200 pages on this digital platform. He also lends digital proficiency through Instagram and YouTube. On YouTube, his expertise is focused more on various vernaculars where his target is the regional audience. This 23-year-old engineer started a digital storm back in the Middle-East. Earlier, Aqib was in U.A.E (till his 12th Grade) where he started off his digital campaigning through the Middle-East and US audience-based pages.

He brought this storm along with himself to India, where he pursued his further studies in Bangalore. While doing his engineering in Electronics and Instrumentation from MSRIT, he realized the emerging role of Facebook pages in marketing platforms and grabbed the keyboard just to compose strategies. Surprisingly these strategies are relevant even today and prove to be helpful to huge companies for promoting themselves through Facebook.


Since that time till now, he has been The Chief Operations Officer at popular PAN India page “The BACK Benchers” which was established in 2012. By 2013-2014, Aqib had access to almost 200 top pages from across India. He has worked for brands such as OnePlus, Flipkart, LG, AirAsia, Sony, Rajnigandha, PayTM, Lays, Adidas, Lifestyle, StarPlus. Beside these biggies, Aqib also works as Social media marketing manager at VivaVideo, India.

If you are an active Facebook user, it is highly possible that you might have come across his campaign and may have even liked or shared one of the posts run by this tach savvy genius.

Aqib happens to be the Campaign Executioner of almost all the online marketing campaigns that happen over the internet in India. Companies are dependent on agencies, and agencies in turn are dependent on the Executioner to carry out the campaign. All of these needs are met and fulfilled at one point through Aqib. Major online shopping brands have run their campaigns on over 150 pages via him.


Recently, one of the biggest product launches he conducted summed up to over 500 posts in 80 pages. He has an engaged audience with apt content and maintains the quality of these campaigns at the same time. This makes him one of the few people in our country who do so. He makes Facebook an easy platform to reach audience. He has handled number of celebrity pages, over a hundred campaigns and has preached several crisis management tasks for politicians and celebrities.

The future seems even more bright and shiny for this young gun, who has started another venture Beeyams Media which is for pure performance-based marketing. Here, he would be empanelling with LG, Likee, ByteDance and various other Chinese app companies in the coming weeks. Beeyams Media has started to get clients from the Middle-East and are working very closely with VanityKart (an online shopping platform for women in UAE and Saudi Arabia) and is even handling work for some Middle-East based universities.


This man in his twenties who claims he has just begun is highly accredited for his timely delivery of views and engagement. His trademark is being able to do what none can do.